A goddess's love

"What? You are goddess Lilith?" Sivel muttered, unable to believe it. "You don't expect me to believe without any evidence, right."

"What do you want to see?" Lilith asked.

"Your divinity."

'Can I do something like that?' Lilith asked.


"I don't have any worshipers..." Lilith muttered.

"What? Don't have any worshipers? That's a little suspicious..." Sivel's mutterings hung in the air, her eyes narrowing into slits that glinted with a newfound suspicion. Her previous gaze, once soft and curious, had transformed into a piercing scrutiny that seemed to search the very depths of Lilith's soul. "I don't even think you're related to the supreme goddess."

"Look...! Then become my disciple!" Lilith spoke up on a whim as she panicked.

"Are you for real?" Sivel sighed and then looked back up at Lilith. "Fine... I guess it really wouldn't matter."

Sivel glided towards Lilith, her movements graceful and fluid as she lowered herself onto one knee with humble reverence as if bowing before an otherworldly presence.

'What do I do...?' Lilith asked as a cold sweat dribbled down her back.


'Ah, thanks.'


From another perspective...

"Look...! Then become my disciple!" As Lilith's words spilled forth, they were like a sudden gust of wind that caught Sivel off guard, forcing her to lift her gaze toward Lilith. The expression on Sivel's face was akin to a puzzled puzzle piece fitting awkwardly in place. Meanwhile, the distress etched on Lilith's features was like a vivid painting.

"Are you for real...? Fine... I guess it really wouldn't matter." Sivel let out a heavy breath, her sigh carrying the weight of uncertainty and doubt. It seemed inconsequential to her whether Lilith was truly a goddess or not, but the mere possibility that she might have been deceived stung. Sivel couldn't bear the thought of being made a fool of, like a puppet dancing to Lilith's tune. Her steps forward were hesitant.

And yet, with a deep breath, she lowered herself to one knee, akin to a humble servant bowing before her queen. Her gaze remained fixed on the floor.

In a sudden and unexpected move, Lilith's fingers gently encircled Sivel's chin, coaxing her head upwards with a feather-light touch. Sivel's body responded like a marionette, her limbs and joints following the lead of Lilith's delicate fingers.

As she raised her eyes, she was captivated by the intense gaze of Lilith's crimson orbs, like twin flames burning bright. The sensation of Lilith's touch and the hypnotic intensity of her gaze made Sivel's cheeks flush with a rosy blush. Yet, at the same time, Sivel felt a sense of submission, like a bird caught in the paws of a predator, unable to escape its grasp.

In an instant, Sivel witnessed darkness creeping up behind Lilith, like a sinister shadow lurking in the depths of the night. It spread like a blanket, smothering Sivel's senses until its inky embrace consumed all. Panic surged through her body, urging her to flee the encroaching darkness. But her body refused to move as if it was held captive by Lilith's mesmerizing gaze. In the void, the only thing that pierced through the veil of darkness was Lilith's piercing red eyes.

For a fleeting moment, Sivel clung to the hope that they might guide her out of the darkness. But in the next instant, those crimson eyes vanished, like a last flicker of light being snuffed out, leaving Sivel to drift in the inky blackness.

"Don't panic." From the depths of the shadows, Lilith's voice resounded, jolting Sivel out of her reverie. With a sense of urgency, she scanned the darkness. "I'm right here."

Sivel spun around as her eyes fell upon Lilith, standing amidst the darkness like a solitary flame in the night. Her figure burned bright, like a beacon in the blackness, illuminating the space around her.

"Oh... look at this..." As Lilith drew closer, her gaze fell upon Sivel's bosom, but it was more than a mere physical examination. It was as if her eyes were a window into her very being, peering beyond the flesh and bone and delving deep into the recesses of Sivel's soul. "Illusionary mana."

As Lilith continued to gaze into Sivel's depths, she beheld a startling sight: Sivel's soul, ensnared by an intricate network of chains that bound it in a place like a prisoner. The chains were like serpents, coiling around her soul.

"Illusionary mana...?" Sivel muttered in question.

"A curse that blocks the person's talent for magic."

Sivel's eyes widened in disbelief as she gazed up at Lilith. For years, she had struggled to master the art of magic, pouring her heart and soul into every incantation and spell, but to no avail. She had believed that her lack of talent was a result of her own shortcomings, constantly berating herself for not working hard enough. But now, to hear that a curse had robbed her of her magical abilities was like a sudden gust of wind. 

"Become my disciple, and no curse or disease will ever plague you again. You will become an unmoveable mountain that will be able to spread my name, for I am the goddess, Lilith Octream, the proud daughter of John Aslar and Lisa Octream."

"Yes... I will." Sivel's body trembled as a newfound strength coursed through her veins. The chains that had once weighed down her soul shattered into a million fragments, floating away on a gentle breeze like cherry blossom petals in the spring. It was as if a door had been opened within her, allowing a torrent of emotions and feelings to flow freely. With Lilith by her side, Sivel felt a soul-deep connection forming between them. She felt Lilith's love and affection enveloping her like a warm embrace