Hot springs with a little action

Divinity: 10

Disciples: 2

Worshippers: 0

New divine skills acquired!

[Black Flame] (Destruction type) (Active): Set anything on fire. Physical or spiritual. The only way to extinguish the fire is for the user to cancel the skill. Only able to be used on one target, but is spreadable.

Soon, Lilith, Sivel, and Galena made it out of the cave.

"Goddess... how should I refer to you?" Galena suddenly asked.

"Oh, just treat me like your friend," Lilith answered. "If you start talking formally, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Got it," Galena nodded in understanding. "By the way, my place isn't far away. Want to take a tour?"

"By your place, do you mean your palace?" Lilith asked.

"No, my private home, a separate place from the palace," Galena spoke.

"Wait... is it that one right around the corner over there?" Lilith asked as she pointed in a faraway direction.

"Yes... how did you know?"

Lilith found herself inexplicably immersed in a torrential downpour of knowledge as vivid images of the elven kingdom washed over her consciousness. The cobbled streets, their weathered stones whispering tales of centuries past, etched themselves deeply into the recesses of her mind, along with the enchanting symphony of every street name.

"Ah, I think after you became my disciple, I got to know the Elven Kingdom a bit better," Lilith answered.

"Hmmm... there isn't anything you can't do, huh..." Sivel spoke as they, at last, reached their destination. Although Lilith had previously conjured the visage of this place within her mind, witnessing it firsthand ignited an explosion of sensations that eclipsed her imaginative efforts. Reality unfolded before her in a symphony of colors, scents, and textures, leaving her breathless in awe of the sheer magnitude of the experience.

Within a majestic, sweeping C-shaped embrace, the crystalline waters curved inward, unleashing a deluge of sheer force that cascaded downward, forming a captivating tapestry of mist-laden beauty. Yet, amidst this aqueous symphony of power, perched defiantly on a steep hill, stood an imposing mansion of grand proportions. It stood as a solitary bastion of architectural extravagance, its regal presence elevated by the elevation it commanded. A lone bridge spanned the divide, a slender connection between the elven kingdom and the mansion.

"Cool place you got here. How long did it take to build this?" Lilith asked.

"Oh, the only thing that was built was the mansion. The waterfalls are all-natural," Galena spoke.

"Hmmm..." Lilith nodded as she remembered something unpleasant. "What's with your citizens and demons... they were quite rude to me..."

"Ah...! I'm sorry for that! I will make sure to punish those who...!" Galena shouted, but Lilith stopped her.

"No... I don't want them to be punished. Just educate them on..." Lilith spoke.

"But weren't you the one who leaked a crazy amount of deadly aura at the old lady..." Sivel muttered

"Ehem... I was educating," Lilith coughed.

"By the way, what's with this aura that people are sensing within me? Does it signify that of a demon?" Lilith asked.

"Yes... a lot, actually," Galena spoke. "I think that it is because of who your father is..."

"Is that so..." Lilith murmured as the image of her silly father came up in her head. "But what's with the hostility towards demons?"

Galena and Sivel stared at each other before Sivel began to talk. "It's only been two decades since the war with the demons ended."

"What? Why was there a war in the first place?" Lilith questioned.

"It was because the previous demon king was thirsty for power," Galena sighed. "But... he died... to another demon. That demon is now the demon king. However, I heard that this new demon king is acting like a human."

"What? Acting like a human...?" Lilith thought as she rubbed her chin. "I'd like to meet this demon king."

As Lilith approached the grand mansion, vibrant greenery enveloped the entrance, creating a lush tapestry of nature's embrace. Towering arches, entwined with ivy and adorned with blossoming flowers, framed the entrance like a portal into a realm of enchantment. The massive double doors, crafted from ancient oak, exuded otherworldly energy, their intricate carvings depicting woodland creatures and ethereal landscapes. Stepping inside, a living canopy of emerald leaves adorned the ceiling, casting dappled sunlight upon the mosaic of moss-covered stone floors below. Fragrant blooms, their petals unfolding in a kaleidoscope of colors, adorned every surface, infusing the air with a heady, sweet perfume. A grand staircase carved from ancient tree trunks wound its way upwards, its steps lined with delicate ferns.

"Ah... I kinda wanna take a bath," Sivel sighed, feeling a bit sticky and sweaty, but she didn't want to be rude to Lilith.

"Hot springs?" Lilith suddenly said. "Do you have a hot spring here?"

"Huh?" Sivel raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yeah, there is."

"Great! Why don't we take a bath?" Lilith spoke as she wrapped her hand around Sivel's neck.

"That would be rude of us," Galena spoke, placing her palm on her cheek. "To take a bath with a goddess."

"I thought I said to treat me like a friend."

"Ah... then I suppose," Galena sighed and she finally agreed.

Hearing this, Lilith happily followed Sivel towards the hot springs.


As Lilith stepped out towards the open hot spring, she was greeted with a stunning view of an outdoor waterfall, its waters cascading down gracefully in the backdrop.

Inside the hot spring, Sivel was already there, basking in the warm, soothing waters. Her expression was one of utter relaxation, clearly enjoying the peaceful moment. However, when Lilith's eyes fell upon Sivel, she flinched slightly, a wave of guilt washing over her. Trying to shake off her uneasy feelings, Lilith lifted a hand to greet Sivel.

Noticing Lilith, Sivel lifted a hand to greet her. But looking at both of her hands, she saw that Lilith had carried both her swords and a dagger into the hot springs.

"There won't be anybody who would attack us or any peepers," Sivel spoke.

"I know, it's just that I promised the maker of these weapons that I would keep them with me at all times," Lilith spoke.

"Hmmm... is that so," Sivel, still lounging in the hot spring, glanced over at Lilith. She observed Lilith washing herself before joining in, following the customary practice before entering a hot spring. However, Sivel couldn't help but notice something peculiar – Lilith's ears were a bright shade of red, indicating either embarrassment or perhaps discomfort. "But why are you washing your weapons?"

Lilith, attempting to explain the unusual sight of giving her weapons a shampoo rub, stumbled over her words. "Eh...? That's because they want to be washed for some reason," she said, quickly realizing her explanation didn't quite add up. "I-it's because they're ego weapons, you know, the weapons that have souls."

Sivel, eyebrow raised, responded with a hint of amusement, "All three of them? I guess that would be expected of a goddess."

Lilith chuckled nervously, feeling somewhat self-conscious as she settled into the hot spring with her white towel wrapped around her. Despite now being a woman, the idea of being naked around another woman, even in the context of a hot spring, was still a source of embarrassment for her. She just wanted to enjoy the hot spring.

Sivel, meanwhile, pretended to close her eyes but kept one slightly open, stealing glances at Lilith's breasts. She then leaned closer to Lilith and spoke in a softer tone. "You said that I can treat you like a friend, right?"

Lilith, slightly puzzled by the sudden shift in the conversation, nodded in confirmation. "Yes?" The atmosphere in the hot spring had taken on a more intimate tone.

Caught off guard by Sivel's sudden move, Lilith could only sit there, her face flushing a deep shade of red. She was completely stunned as Sivel pulled the towel away, leaving her exposed.

"Wow..." Sivel couldn't help but express her admiration as she took in the sight of Lilith's bare form. "Lilith… you're truly gorgeous. Is this a perk of being a goddess?"

Lilith, utterly flustered by the unexpected compliment and her sudden nudity, stammered in response. "W-What are you saying?!" Her embarrassment was evident, not used to such direct attention to her physical appearance.

Sivel, however, seemed unabashed in her observation. "Huge breasts that are shaped nicely, and a great butt too, not to mention those pear-like hips," she commented, almost sighing as she continued to appraise Lilith. Her words, though perhaps meant as compliments, only served to increase Lilith's discomfort.

Lilith, clearly embarrassed by Sivel's comments, protested loudly. "S-stop saying such things!" she exclaimed, leaping up from the water in a fluster. "You're embarrassing me…!"

Sivel, seemingly unfazed by Lilith's reaction, continued with her curious observations. "

"I heard that if you massage your butt and breasts, they can grow bigger…" Sivel mused aloud, casually rubbing her breasts, seemingly absorbed in her own thoughts and ignoring Lilith's discomfort. "I can't tell if it gets any bigger, though."

Lilith, attempting to shift the focus away from herself and alleviate the awkwardness, replied, "W-well, small breasts aren't that bad." She then settled back into the water, trying to regain her composure.

Sivel's expression turned serious as she asked, "…Are you pitying me?"

Lilith, trying to defuse the situation with humor, responded, "N-no… it's not that. I mean, large breasts can cause problems, you know, like stiff shoulders." She aimed for a playful tone, hoping to lighten the mood.

However, her attempt seemed to backfire. Lilith noticed a vein popping on Sivel's forehead, indicating her growing annoyance or frustration. It appeared her efforts to calm Sivel had the opposite effect.

In a surprising move, Sivel suddenly reached out and grabbed Lilith's chest, beginning to playfully jiggle them. "You really think you should be talking with these huge breasts?!" she exclaimed.

Lilith, caught completely off guard, protested, "W-wait, this is too much even as friends!" She scrambled to pull away from Sivel's grasp.

Feeling trapped and overwhelmed, Lilith struggled to free herself from Sivel's grasp. "Get off!!!" she cried out, pushing against Sivel with all her might. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to break free. The realization that she was powerless in this situation crossed her mind as a distressing thought: 'This is sexual harassment!!'

Amidst her efforts to escape, a conflicting thought briefly fluttered through Lilith's mind. 'Ughh… this is kinda… feels … good…?' she wondered, her expression conflicted. However, before she could further contemplate her feelings, another voice interrupted the scene.

Galena entered, her presence immediately changing the dynamics of the situation. "My Sivel, even if her grace was merciful to treat us like her friends, don't you think this is too much?" she said, a hint of reprimand in her tone. "Good evening... no, it is good morning now, isn't it?" she added with a smile.

Sivel, seemingly unfazed by the interruption, released her grip on Lilith and replied with a mischievous smile, "But it seemed like she was enjoying it?"

Lilith, now free, muttered softly, "You're mistaken..." She felt a mix of relief and embarrassment washing over her. The encounter had left her feeling vulnerable and, in a way, stripped of her dignity.

'W-why am I like this?' Lilith asked.

<> Veda explained.

'I-is that so... ladies sure have it tough, huh.'

"By the way, sister. Why are you here?" Sivel asked.

"I'm here to inform her grace of a spread of her divinity," Galena spoke.

"Really?" Lilith questioned, her interest piqued.

"Yes, by showing your feats to our nation it can increase your divinity, but it is important that you keep your physical body a secret to show that you are some untouchable figure," Galena explained.

"Then what is a good way to show my feats?" Lilith asked.

"By blessing the crops or hunters in our nation," Galena answered.

'Can I do something like that?' Lilith asked Veda.


After hearing Veda's confirmation, Lilith agreed. 

"Then please think of something fancy for tomorrow night's banquet, there will be other delegations from other countries attending so this is a perfect chance to spread divinity."

Lilith nodded.

"But I thought I said to treat me like a friend," Lilith said.

"I apologize but after thinking about it for some time I just couldn't do that so please forgive me." Galena polity spoke

Lilith sighed but still nodded at Galena.