Different Persona

"What did he say?" Sivel's question came quickly, reflecting her anxious curiosity about what Eldric had said. 

Lilith couldn't help but think about the situation they were in, feeling like a scene out of a teenage drama. 'Why does it feel like we're some teenage girls...' she mused internally.

Despite her thoughts, Lilith answered Sivel, choosing her words carefully. "He said that he's interested in you," she relayed, avoiding a definitive interpretation of Eldric's sentiments.

Galena, who had been following the situation closely, chimed in with a sense of vindication. "See, what did I say," she said, implying that she had anticipated such a response from Eldric.

Sivel, however, was not so easily convinced. She huffed, "That doesn't mean anything." Her skepticism was clear, indicating her reluctance to read too much into Eldric's words. "From all that could mean..." she trailed off.

"But what if he really loved you?" Lilith asked, prompting Sivel to consider the possibility of genuine affection from Eldric.

Sivel took a moment, reflecting on Lilith's question. "I don't know..." she finally admitted, her uncertainty evident in her voice. 

Realizing that the conversation about Eldric and Sivel's relationship was reaching an impasse, Lilith decided to shift the focus to the upcoming event. "So for tonight's banquet, is there anything that I should know of?" she inquired.

Galena's demeanor suddenly changed as she remembered something crucial. "Oh that's right!" she exclaimed, her expression lighting up with realization. "If you want to formally attend the banquet, you will need to learn the proper etiquette of a Nobel lady."

The words 'etiquette of a Nobel lady' resonated in Lilith's mind. The notion was something she hadn't anticipated, especially considering her past as a former man. The idea of learning and adhering to the intricacies of high society's manners and customs was a new and somewhat daunting prospect for her.

Lilith's reluctance was palpable in her shaky voice as she muttered, "I don't want to attend the banquet formally...?" The idea of conforming to the strict protocols and etiquette of a noble lady was daunting.

Veda, sensing an opportunity for Lilith to grow and adapt, chimed in with encouragement. <> she suggested.

Lilith's internal resistance was strong. 'But I don't wanna!' she protested inwardly, struggling to hold back her emotions.

<> Veda posed a thought-provoking question, prompting Lilith to consider the implications of not embracing her current identity fully.

This question sparked a wild train of thought in Lilith's mind. She began to imagine herself as a tomboy, causing chaos, a scenario that seemed increasingly exaggerated.

"But I do think-"

Lilith's sudden outburst and agreement took Galena and Sivel by surprise. "Never mind, I agree!" she exclaimed with determination, realizing the importance of adapting to her new role. However, she quickly added a crucial condition, "But is it possible to choose my type of persona of a noble lady?"

Galena and Sivel exchanged puzzled glances, not expecting this particular request from Lilith, but they both responded with smiles, accepting her terms.

Galena, ever enthusiastic, was quick to offer her vision. "Of course, I can turn you into the most cute and lovely noble lady in the entire world!" she declared, her excitement palpable.

Lilith, however, immediately clarified her intentions, not entirely comfortable with Galena's interpretation. "Eh... no, that's not what kind of woman I want to become..." she replied, shaking her hand to emphasize her point.

Lilith took the time to carefully explain her vision and preferences to Galena and Sivel, who listened intently to her words. The next several hours were a whirlwind of learning and discovery for Lilith.

In those six hours, Lilith was immersed in a comprehensive lesson on the behaviors, customs, and etiquette expected of noble women. She learned about appropriate greetings, table manners, and the nuances of courtesy. She was also introduced to the art of dancing and trained in maintaining poise under pressure. Each aspect of the training was designed to help her in high society.

Among the many lessons, Lilith also worked on developing a persona that she felt proud of. Now with this, she was able to show a more convincing side of a goddess.

Despite embracing this new persona, Lilith was determined to stay true to her natural self. 

"Even in other countries, either high or low society, there might be some instances where people deliberately mess with your food," Galena said, setting her fork down beside a dish of medium-rare steak. "What would you do if it was a noble lady?"

Lilith's response, though delivered with an innocent smile, was unexpectedly blunt. "I would smash her skull into the ground," she said, her cheerful demeanor contrasting sharply with the severity of her words.

Galena and Sivel, caught off guard by Lilith's straightforward answer, couldn't help but exchange a looks."

Lilith, catching the menacing smiles on Galena's and Sivel's faces, quickly realized that her response might have been a bit too much. Hastily, she added to her bold statement. "I-In my imagination..." she said, followed by a light chuckle.

Galena rose from her chair, a playful yet challenging glint in her eyes. She gestured towards the seat she had just vacated. "Your turn, Lilith. Imagine I'm a servant who messed up your meal, serving you raw food and spoiled wine. Now, I want to see you act arrogant," she instructed, her voice carrying a teasing undertone.

Lilith paused for a moment, her mind racing through scenes from a novel she had read. The idea of playing an arrogant character seemed daunting. "I-I can't do that," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, her head shaking in doubt.

Galena, sensing Lilith's hesitation, leaned in with a smirk. "Really? You can't do something as simple as this?" she asked, her tone playful yet provocative.

The comment struck a nerve in Lilith. She felt a surge of annoyance at Galena's words, questioning her ability. 'Simple, she calls it?' Lilith thought, a spark of determination igniting within her. 'Alright then, I'll show her just how 'simple' arrogance can be,'

Galena, quickly slipping into her role as a servant, bowed slightly and asked with feigned concern, "How was the food? Was it to you-"

But before she could finish her sentence, she felt a sudden, cold splash on her head. The unmistakable scent of red wine filled the air around her.

"Eh?" Galena uttered in surprise, slowly raising her head to look at Lilith.

Lilith sat there, her legs crossed, her posture and expression radiating arrogance. "What are you looking at? You can't even serve decent food, and yet you think you have the right to look at me?" she said, her voice dripping with disdain. Her performance was a stark contrast to her earlier hesitation, embodying the arrogance Galena had asked for.

"Still not looking down?" Lilith muttered under her breath, her hand raised as if she was about to deliver a slap to Galena's face.

However, after a brief moment, she let out a sigh and lowered her hand. "I guess I can't do this after all," Lilith said, her voice tinged with exhaustion, a look of mental fatigue crossing her face.

Galena, who had been caught up in the intensity of the moment, started to tremble, a somber aura enveloping her. But then, her expression suddenly shifted to one of awe and excitement. "That was... That was amazing!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up with admiration.

Meanwhile, Sivel, who had been observing the scene unfold, muttered to himself in confusion, "What is going on..."