A Divine Bargain

Swiss, acutely aware of the gravity and sensitivity of the conversation, quickly glanced towards the door to ensure privacy. "What?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Do you know what you're saying right now?"

"I'm perfectly sane, father," Seraphina responded with a reassuring smile.

"It seems as if my daughter is quite adamant about doing this," Swiss acknowledged, noting Seraphina's firm stance.

"Of course," Seraphina affirmed, her commitment unwavering.

Mary, ever the concerned mother, voiced her worries. "Though I can't help but worry," she said.

"Nothing will happen to me, because I believe in my goddess," Seraphina reassured them.

Swiss and Mary exchanged a look, their faces having the same concern. But in the end, they both sighed. They understood their daughter's decision and her right to make her own choices.

"You are the duchess. We can't order you around," Swiss finally admitted. "I've been going a bit too tired lately to do anything."

Seraphina's concern spiked upon hearing her father's words.

"Let me see your hand," Seraphina spoke as she raised her hand.

"Hmmm? Alright." Swiss moved his hand, giving it to Seraphina.

Closing her eyes, Seraphina began to check her father's body with the help of mana.

What she discovered, however, was alarming. The concern was evident on her face as her eyes widened in shock, a reaction that immediately worried her parents.

"What's wrong?" Mary inquired, her voice laced with anxiety.

"… There seems to be corruption magic mixed into Father's soul," Seraphina revealed, her eyes opening to meet those of her parents. "Lust and sloth..."

Swiss, upon hearing this, nodded in understanding. "Hmmm... yes, I have been feeling something like that..." he admitted.

Without delay, Seraphina acted to dispel the corrupting magic of her father.

Suspicion began to arise. "Father... I think you should be a bit more careful." Seraphina said.

After spending a little more time with her family Seraphina left Swiss's office, walking down the hallway of the estate. As she walked, she noticed the maids along her path were captivated by her newly restored eyes, their gazes lingering on her with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

One particular gaze, however, stood out to Seraphina. She approached a maid who seemed particularly fixated on her. The maid, realizing Seraphina was coming closer, flinched and attempted to walk away, but Seraphina quickly cornered her.

Milady," the maid stammered, her voice trembling and her eyes averted.

Seraphina, still getting accustomed to interpreting visual cues, noticed the maid's flushed cheeks. This was a new experience for her, having been blind all her life, and it left her puzzled. She reached out and gently touched the maid's cheeks, trying to understand the situation better.

"Just like father... lust," Seraphina murmured as she closed her eyes, using her mana to look into the maid's soul. She identified the same type of corruption magic that had afflicted her father.

Acting swiftly, Seraphina dispelled the corrupting magic. The maid, suddenly relieved of the influence, felt light-headed. Seraphina called over another maid to assist her as she continued on her way.

Finding this quite suspicious Seraphina began devising a plan.


Lilith, comfortably lounging on her bed, turned her attention to her system screen.


Disciples: 2

Acolytes: 1

Believers: 14


Curious, Lilith checked who these people were. She already knew the two disciples were Sivel and Galena. But the fourteen believers were strangers to her. When she tried to learn their names, a lot of information suddenly came into her mind. Surprisingly, it didn't feel overwhelming; it was actually quite soothing.

In just a moment, Lilith knew everything about her believers - their names and all sorts of details about them. "Hmm... this is really interesting," she said to herself, amazed at how easily she could handle so much information.

Next, she focused on "Acolytes." The system explained that acolytes are people learning about her teachings and maybe getting ready for a more important role.

"Seraphina Greenwood," Lilith said as she got off the bed. Recognizing Seraphina as her acolyte, she felt encouraged. "Looks like she's putting in a lot of effort. I should keep up my work too."

Dressed casually in a black hoodie, Lilith left her suite with a specific plan in mind. She wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea she had come up with, but it was the only approach she could think of at the moment.

In a swift motion, Lilith disappeared from her location, reappearing on the rooftop of the city's largest hospital. Despite the late hour, the hospital was a hive of activity, just as busy as it would be during the day.

Lilith made her way from the rooftop, navigating through the hospital's hallways. She was searching for something specific, and it wasn't long before she found it.

In a dimly lit room, she saw a young man lying in a hospital bed. He wore a baggy beanie, and his appearance indicated that he was a cancer patient. The room was dark, lit only by slivers of city light filtering through the gaps in the curtains.

Lilith quietly opened the door and stepped into the room. Her shadow fell over the young man, who slowly opened his eyes. However, due to the dim light and his weakened state, he couldn't clearly see Lilith's face.

"Who are you?" The man asked. "You don't look like a nurse."

"Are you Keeny Will?" Lilith replied, choosing to answer with her own question. "A pastor?"

Keeny, still bewildered but recognizing the accuracy in her words, responded, "...Yes? Yes..."

Lilith cut straight to the point. "I'll make it simple for you," she said. "What will you do if I save you?"

"Save me?" Kenny echoed, his confusion growing. "Are you an angel sent by God?"

Lilith remained silent, not affirming or denying his assumption.

"I guess I will thank God and preach his miracle," Kenny said, assuming Lilith to be a divine messenger.

"What if a different god saved you?" Lilith altered her question.

It was then that Kenny noticed something unusual about Lilith – her red eyes visible in her shadowy figure. "You... you are no angel. The devil," he remarked, a hint of fear in his voice.

"I am a goddess," Lilith corrected him.

"What do you want?" Kenny asked.

"I want you to preach my name," Lilith stated clearly. "Start a new religion on this land."

"A deal with the devil, I suppose?" Kenny remarked, still uncertain about Lilith's true nature.

"I said that I'm a goddess," Lilith responded, slightly annoyed by his misinterpretation. "Well, whatever. I'll save you, but remember, I didn't just save you. I saved your kids from attending their father's funeral. Saved your wife from becoming a widow. Thank me and revere me."

With those final words, Lilith vanished, leaving Kenny enveloped in a deep slumber. A golden aura lingered around his body.