4. The Humongous Problem

It was almost evening. Evan had just come home on his motorbike and found his father already sitting on the porch. Tony immediately stood up from the rattan seat when he realized Evan's arrival.

"We have to talk about this again, Son," said Tony with a face so tense.

Evan sighed, massaging his forehead a little. He couldn't concentrate on studying in class earlier. He couldn't understand the professors' lessons at all. His father's explanations continued to fill his head. No matter what, these explanations are related to the transformation of his cell phone.

"Ok." After a few seconds of silence, Evan finally answered.

The two of them entered the house and immediately sat down at the dining table where they had spoken this morning. Evan sat down lazily. Actually, he wanted to just run away from all this. However, at the same time, he must know everything because this is his own life.

Like this morning too, Tony sat with his eyes closed and his hands crossed. His forehead also frowned, a sign that he was thinking hard again.

Evan immediately groaned like a hungry cow. He immediately thought that all of this was going to take a long time again.

"Please, Dad. Don't waste any more time. What do you really want to say?" Evan complained.

Tony opened his eyes. His expression was very serious. "Actually, I'm also confused about what else to talk about. I think I have said all the important things. However, I also still want to talk about this."

Evan's chin dropped so much. The two ends of his lips twitch in turn. How could his father give such an annoying answer? If the man in front of him wasn't his father, Evan would have been tempted to beat him up.

"Then, I'll ask, okay?" Evan grumbled in great annoyance. "Why is my power just awakening now?"

"I don't know. The power of the chosen ones rises at random times. There are even those who are very old and their strength has just awakened."

If his father didn't know, Evan couldn't do anything, but still, he was getting more and more annoyed. "Okay, next question. You said earlier that you got some kind of compensation from the government, but why are our lives just ordinary? You're a consultant from another planet! The information you provide is very valuable! You should get more compensation, right?"

"Looks like I do have to reveal one more secret," Tony hissed.

Evan, who had felt pranked by his father, chose not to believe his dad's serious expression.

"Actually, the money given by the government is no longer compensation, but you could say it is the salary for my job as a consultant," Tony explained in a firm tone. "We should be able to buy a bigger house. This house is indeed provided by the government, but we don't have to live in it either. However, I think I spend too much money on important things."

"Something really important? What is that?" Evan felt like his father was going to talk about something really important this time, but he immediately suppressed his expectations.

Tony leaned in a little. "I said this morning that I am prohibited from having sex with humans or other aliens that are not my species, right? It really frustrates me. As a man, I still have sexual desire. So, I was forced to use the money I earned to enter the strip club. My job as a security guard at night is just a lie, Son."

Instantly, Evan stood up and pounded the table. "You can't be serious, can you!? Why does everything you say sound like a joke!"

"I'm serious, Evan!" Tony also hit the table. "Just looking at pictures and movies isn't enough for me, Evan! Since I can't have sex, the alternative is just like that!"

"But ..." Evan gasped, a terrible fact just popping up in his head. That fact was so terrifying that it made his body tremble. He stumbled backward until he hit a chair and knocked it over. "If you can't have sex with the human on earth, that means I can't either, right?"

Closing his eyes, Tony sat down in the chair. His body also started to shake. "We really don't know what happened. There are aliens from other planet. He did it with human earth. Do you know what happened? His body became chronically lumpy, itchy, and he had frequent bowel movements. The risk is too high, Evan."

"How about using protection?"

"It's the same, son. Protection on earth is for earthlings, not for aliens like us."

Evan was speechless. Maybe his father's statement sounded like a joke, but it all made sense when you thought about it. Nobody knows what happens when two species from two different worlds have sex. Human science has not yet researched that.

"Arggggghhhhhh!!!" Evan held his head and screamed hysterically. It's a disaster for him. Since he had wet dreams, Evan often imagined himself having sex with women. He wanted to feel the true sensation of it.

After all, intercourse is his natural instinct as a living being, right?

Evan then behaved like crazy. While screaming continuously, he squatted on the chair, then stood limply by pressing his head against the wall, followed by slapping his own cheeks, even wetting his head with tap water. His tears began to fall. Meanwhile, Tony just stayed where he was, watching.

Finally, Evan lay face down on the floor, feeling the chill of the tiles as cold as his now empty heart.

"I know it's all hard, Son. However, what else can you do?" Finally, Tony spoke.

Evan got up and left there with limp steps like a zombie.

"Before that, I had a question, Evan." Tony got up from the chair and approached his son. "Why are you even more hysterical when you find out you can't have sex than to hear that you were adopted?"

With robot-like movements, Evan turned to his father. "Huh? Why do you ask such a thing? I don't care if I was born in a laboratory or emerged from a volcanic crater. I don't care if I'm adopted. You are still my dad. It doesn't change anything. "

Tony put on a smile with teary eyes. He immediately hugged his son tightly. However, Evan didn't respond. His gaze was fixed upward, his mouth wide open, his mind lamenting his penis which was no longer useful except for peeing and masturbation.