5. Something Different

Evan curled up limply in the corner of his room. His eyes stared blankly at the floor. This is a disaster. It was as if his manhood had been taken away. He's not a complete man anymore. His life will never be perfect.

Suddenly, Evan's heartbeat went up. He remembered something from this morning. He lifted his head and was annoyed. How could he have forgotten something important?

He snorted and got up from the floor. That young man couldn't believe that he was pranked by his father again. This Prank has gone too far, to the point of destroying him mentally. What kind of father does that?

Evan walked very quickly to leave the room and came to his dad who was cooking something in the kitchen.

"This morning, you said that you are proud of me who brought a girl, right!? That means you expected me to give up my virginity, right!? So, it really doesn't matter if I have sex with a human, right!?" Evan confronted his dad in a frustrated tone. "Don't prank me like this again, Dad. What if I'm really stressed later?"

Tony, who was cutting something on the cutting board, was lost in thought for a few seconds. "Actually, this morning I was really worried about you, but I was trying to be casual by joking so that you wouldn't be too shocked. After that, I intend to tell you. Because that's something big."

"I don't believe you!"

"If you don't believe it, remember, this morning you just made your cellphone transform into a hot girl. You're not human, Son. If you still don't believe it, look at your own cock. The shape is different from the human penis."

Evan's eyes started to widen. "So that's the reason Dad forbade me showing my cock to my friends or looking at other kids' dicks when I was a kid?

"You can be ridiculed when your friends see your penis. You can be insecure." Tony put down the knife and sighed. "But, you have grown up, Son. Even though it's no longer possible to look at each other's penises because it's disgusting, at least you saw the actors' dicks in porn, right?"

Evan blinked his eyes.

"But, I prefer to watch Japanese porn. They censor the genitals, so I don't know what a human penis actually looks like." Evan doesn't care anymore that he reveals his secret about watching porn.

"You never watch porn from the west at all?"

"Maybe in the past, but I don't like it, so I didn't really pay attention to it." Evan stared back for quite a while, exchanging glances with his dad. He then ran fast to his room again and immediately grabbed his cellphone that was on the study table.

Evan ignores Mimi's warning signs that her battery is running low, which appears on the cellphone screen. He rushed to find pictures of men's dicks. That young man was very surprised when the first picture appeared.

The dicks looked completely different from Evan's.

Even after scrolling for quite a while, he could not find a picture of a penis that looked like his. The young man's body began to weaken, but he would not give up.

However, his efforts were stopped because a large text appeared on the screen of his cellphone: STOP SEEKING PENIS PICTURES, MASTER! MY BATTERY ENERGY ONLY 5% REMAIN!

Realizing this, Evan took the charger from his bag. On campus, he doesn't charge his cell phone. He was afraid that Mimi's sigh would be heard again. He could be labeled as a strange person.

Wanting to go back to looking for a picture of a penis that was similar to his, Evan hurriedly plugged the cable into the wall socket.

"Ahnnn ...." And of course the erotic sigh came back.

Evan was silent and watched his cellphone which started to be charged. A few moments later, he removed the charger from his cellphone.

"Nggghhh ...."

Evan was silent again for a few seconds, before finally plugging the cellphone back in with the charger. Mimi's sigh was heard again, and Evan removed the charger again. The young man did it continuously.

"Ahnnn .... Uggghhh .... Ahnnn .... Nggghhh .... Ahnnn .... Nggghhh .... Ahnnn .... Nggghhh ...."

Evan continued to unplug and plug in the charger at a faster pace. Mimi's sighing became even more intense. And finally, the cell phone turns on very bright. This time Evan put the phone on the table before it got hotter.

Shortly after that, the cellphone changed to Mimi. The girl sat down at the table. She looked at Evan with teary eyes and a flushed face.

"Why did you do that, Master? You make me uncomfortable." Mimi complained with trembling lips. She covered her chest with her hands. "You just need to plug me into the power socket once, then unplug the cord when my energy is full!"

Evan smiled mischievously as he brought the charger cable closer to that girl. His mood was bad, so he wanted to tease someone just to entertain himself.

"Hehehe ...." Evan gave a creepy laugh which immediately gave Mimi goosebumps. "From your voice when I put this in you, I guess you enjoyed it, right?"

The poor girl shook her head, leaning her body even more against the wall. Grinning so widely, Evan brushed the end of the cord against Mimi's cheek.

"Come on, be a cell phone again so I can plug in and unplug this cord again." Evan was getting excited.

Mimi groaned. She really looked like she was going to cry. "No, Master! I really don't like it!"

Suddenly, Evan's door burst open. Kara and Shane entered, both of them looking very surprised to find Mimi who was almost crying and seemed to stay away from Evan.

"What are you doing, Evan!?" Kara yelled, her eyes opened so wide they looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets.

Meanwhile, Shane was just gawking. The sling bag that was on his shoulder sagged and fell to the floor.

Evan was starting to get confused by the situation. "I can explain! This is just a misunderstanding! She is my cellphone that turned into a human-like being! I have no intention of truly harassing her! I was just teasing her!"

Kara clenched her right fist. Evan could feel something like a demonic aura coming out of that girl. He stepped back, feeling that he would be doomed. No explanation could stop Kara. Escape is also useless. Kara will chase him to the end of the world.

"How could you make stupid excuses like that! You would do something indecent to this girl, right!" Kara ran forward with ninja-like speed. "Heaaa!!!"


Evan, who was nervous, didn't have time to run away. He was hit hard on the stomach by that girl. The poor young man immediately curled up on the floor and clutched his stomach which felt so painful.

"This is a punishment for a pervert!!!" Kara yelled even louder.

Shane came up to Evan and grabbed his friend by the collar.

With an exaggerated sad expression like a cranky child asking for candy, Shane tugged hard at Evan's collar until his friend's body swayed wildly back and forth.

"Why is there a hot girl in your room, Evan!?" Shane shouted in his friend's face. Her eyes filled with tears. "Why did you betray me by having a girlfriend first!?"

"Did we ever make a pact that prohibits us from dating girls!?" Evan tries to free himself, but Shane won't let him go. "Besides, she is not my girlfriend!"

"Arrrghhh!!! I don't want you to have a hot girlfriend like her!" Shane was getting crazy. He obviously didn't listen to Evan.

"What is this!? Why are you screaming!?" Tony emerged from the entrance of the room.

Then, suddenly Mimi's body collapsed from the table, causing a loud thud.