6. Micro USB Socket

"Don't worry, blows like that don't mean much to an alien species like us," Tony said to his son.

Evan, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, frowned as he rubbed his stomach. "But it still hurts, Dad."

Kara knelt on the floor with her eyes slightly upward and her mouth slightly open. Apparently, he was trying to understand Tony's explanation just now about the origins of Tony and his son. The discussion about aliens and superpowers is no ordinary conversation. Especially for Kara who never learned about it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Shane was pacing back and forth, also looking thoughtful, but more serious.

"Is it okay to tell them all this? If Dad is a state consultant on aliens, then you must be being watched, right?" Evan asked his dad with a frown on his face.

Tony laughed out loud. "Take it easy! Our next neighbor is a government agent assigned to watch over me, but he is so lazy! I bribe him from doing his job and he gladly accepts it "

Now, Evan knows another reason for his rather poor life that he has to save money to buy a laptop.

"What's more, I also know your friends very well. I'm sure they can be trusted for something like this. You've been friends for quite a while." Tony continued. "Or would you prefer if I lied that you brought this hot girl wearing skimpy clothes to satisfy your fetish?"

Evan patted his forehead. Earlier his friends misunderstood and it could be troublesome, but why can't his dad come up with another explanation? Evan believed that his two friends would think his father was crazy rather than believe his story.

"Take it easy, Mr. Williams. I guarantee this secret is safe with us…. If the story is true. " Shane shrugged his shoulders high. "However, your story is too…. How do I put it, huh? Sounds far-fetched? Sorry."

"I really come from the planet Xionezsoqiuvenoririrexunaxiantiqinoverizovadusuruxivurqunzezex in a distant galaxy." Tony smiled, not looking mad at all. "On earth, there is a village called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllantysiliogogogoch, why can't there be a name like that in space?"

"That is not the case, sir …. Ah, I really don't know how to explain what's on my mind."

"How come you become like my dad?" Evan snorted. "He was also confused about how to convey what's on his mind."

"We'll discuss that later. We have to do something about this girl." Kara, who had been silent, turned to Mimi, who was lying on the bed covered in a blanket. "Should we take her to the hospital?" She hasn't woken up yet."

Tony walked over to the bed. "But, she really isn't human. Doctors won't know what to do with her."

"She just ran out of energy in her battery." Evan chimed in.

Shane opened the blanket on Mimi's body and Kara immediately slapped his hand.

"Ouch! I just want to check her clothes! Are you not aware that her clothes look similar to Evan's cellphone case?" Shane grumbled while rubbing his stinging hands,

"Huh? If she is indeed a cellphone, we just need to charge her, then? "Kara raised an eyebrow. "But, where do you want to plug the charger cable in? Does her body have a micro USB socket?"

"The Micro USB socket is usually at the bottom of the cellphone. Maybe we have to plug the cable from below." Evan snorted.

Everyone in there was immediately stunned, even including Evan himself. The silence continued for a long time until their eyes started to widen at the same time.

"Should we plug the cord in the front or back?" Tony asked.

Everyone fell silent again.

"Argh!" Kara scratched her hair, then folded her arms across her chest. "Let me try! You guys just wait outside!"

"What if she gets electrocuted?" Evan blinked his eyes.

"I'll pull it quickly if she really gets electrocuted!" Kara started pushing the men out of the room, even including Evan's dad. "After all, mine is the same as her! I guarantee the electrocution won't have that much effect!"

"Huh!?" Evan gasped violently. "What do you mean by the electrocution won't have that much effect!? Has your pussy ever been electrocuted …."

Evan's speech was cut short by Kara's hard slap on his cheek. The girl managed to push the men out, then closed the door. Evan rubbed his right cheek which felt like it had been smeared with super hot sauce. He just blurted out. Even though he was curious about what Kara said, Evan would never dare to ask again about the same topic.

The men obeyed Kara's orders to wait outside, confused about what to do. Shane looked strangely tense as if he was waiting for the results of an exam. Evan just scratched his hair. Meanwhile, Tony returns to his signature pose when he's deep in thought: he crossed his arms across his chest, closed his eyes, and frowned.

A few moments passed, there was a fast pounding from inside Evan's room, followed by the door that opened loudly. Kara, who had just opened the door, looked very shocked, even her face turned a little white.

"When I plugged the cord into her female part, she opened her eyes and thanked me, and then she slept again! I've never seen anything like that!" Kara exclaimed.

The men look into the room to check on Mimi, but Kara blocks them.

"Don't look at her! She's not in a condition that men should look at!"

After saying something like that, Kara comes back in and closes the door, but it only lasts for a few seconds.

"I just covered her body with a blanket." Kara took a deep breath.

"Maybe we should ask her about your power, Evan. She's the first one you gave life to, right?" Shane made a suggestion.

Evan scratched his head again. "How do I wake her up? Cell phones are usually turned on with a button. Where is the button if my phone looks like that?"

They were speechless in confusion again.

"Maybe we should wait for her to transform herself into her original form." This time, it was Tony who made the suggestion. "You three just wait in the living room."

"Ah, I forgot we got together to do an assignment," Kara replied.

Evan snorted lazily.