10. A Girl with the Scent of Seaweed (4)

Evan stretched his body while the printer worked to print out his college assignments. His cellphone also turned into Mimi's figure again. Evan then turned to Popo, who was asleep on the floor. The young man got up from the chair, carried Popo's body, put her on the bed, then covered her with a blanket. The girl's body was very light, like bags of chips.

"I don't need to sleep like her, because I'm a cell phone that is always on for twenty-four hours," Mimi jumped slowly from the table.

Evan looked at Popo's face, which looked so calm. "You guys are weird. Popo is bags of potato chips that ask to be eaten, while you are a cellphone that gets energy from electricity, not food. I wonder if you take a lot of electrical energy just to move?"

"Are you afraid that this house's electricity bill will be high?" Mimi chuckled softly. "Take it easy, it's just the characteristic of the cellphone that is left inside me. If the cell phone battery's energy runs out, then it dies. Meanwhile, my energy for movement, as well as those that make up my body and Popo's, all came from nature, Master. You, as the chosen one, unconsciously absorb the natural energy around you. From the earth, plants, microorganisms that are not visible, and so on."

"Yes, Yes, Yes …." Evan yawned, Mimi's explanation sounded like lecture material. He was not sure that knowledge would be useful to him.

"Are you tired, Master?" Mimi sit on the edge of the bed and patted her thigh. "You can sleep here."

Without thinking, Evan lay on his stomach and pressed his cheek against Mimi's thigh. Unlike Popo, Mimi's skin feels very smooth, like a cellphone screen.

Mimi smiled and gently stroked her master's hair.

"It's strange, why do I feel so familiar with you, Mimi?" Evan asked softly. He felt comfortable with Mimi's thigh. "I haven't met you for long, but I don't hesitate to tease you, make fun of you, even lie on your thighs. Meanwhile, I asked permission first when I wanted to hug Popo."

Mimi chuckled again. "We've been together for quite a while, Master. When did you buy me? When you were in the first year of high school, right? Every day, we are always together. Hell, you use me a lot when you poop. Maybe that's what makes you feel familiar with me."

Evan's mouth formed a wry smile. He had to always remember not to take Mimi to the toilet.

"Yes, it's been a long time. Recently, I just changed your battery because it has to be recharged a lot. " Feeling tired, Evan yawned again.

Evan rarely changes things, unless they really can't be used. He's so broke.

"And you always took good care of me, Master. You never accidentally drop me or plunge me into the water. " Mimi still stroked her master's hair. "But, you never wipe me after you hold greasy food, or after masturbating."

Evan swallowed hard. As it turned out, he was treating his cell phone badly. "I'm so sorry."

"It doesn't matter, after all, you are my master."

Evan closed his eyes. He felt more and more comfortable with Mimi's thighs and soft strokes. He became more sleepy. Once again, he thought, maybe this superpower wasn't so bad.


The television in the living room was showing a football match, but Tony was not watching it. While lying on the long sofa, he kept thinking. Of course, he did it with his eyes closed, his hands folded across his chest, and frowning.

What is the future for his son? If the government finds out, will Evan be taken to a secret facility to be researched? Can his son achieve his dream of living a quiet, ordinary life?

Because he was deep in thought, Tony was surprised by the ringing of his cell phone. He got up and took his cellphone from the table, then picked up the call while sitting low on the sofa. He didn't even check who was calling. At most, the calls were from neighbors who asked for money to shut up.

"Hello." Tony yawned a little.

"Hello, Dad."

Hearing that very familiar voice, Tony straightened his body. His sleepiness disappeared instantly. He had not heard the owner of the voice in years. "Dovi?"

"How are you, Dad?"

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you for years." Tony's breathing started to get heavy. After all this time, why did Evan's brother calling? Is there another purpose?

"My little brother's power has been awakened, right?" The man named Dovi chuckled sarcastically.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

"Let's just say that fellow owners of life-giving powers can feel each other's power, Dad," Dovi answered in a cold tone. "I wonder, who is stronger?"

Tony shook his head. "You still hold a grudge against him? You are still jealous of him because he is adored for having more power potential than you? Come on, Son. It was a long time ago and you should have forgotten about it."

"After running away from you because I was tired of hiding, I was going all over the place, Dad. And after a while, I got bored again. Until finally, I felt Evan's power awakened." Dovi raised his voice slightly. "I just want to clash with him, see who is the strongest. Our battle is going to be very exciting, Dad. I called you so you can get Evan ready."

"You remember the legend I told you, right? About an older brother wanting more life-giving power? In the end, the older brother cut off his younger brother's hand and attached it to himself. The older brother became very strong and no one could match him." Tony let out a deep sigh. "Is it because you guys are clones of the brothers, then that history will repeat itself?"

Dovi didn't answer. He hastily hung up the phone call. Tony sat back in the chair and squeezed his head. He felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Tony gasped at Evan's sudden arrival. "Huh, you startled me!"

"What the hell happened, Dad? Why are you squeezing your head? Is it because you ran out of money to go to the strip club?" Evan asked carelessly.

Tony took a deep breath. Gradually his expression turned sad. He rubbed his face and looked at his son's face with slightly teary eyes. "I can't hide this from you anymore, Son. You must know this. "

"Uh-oh. I don't like the way you talk, Dad." Evan folded his arms across his chest.

"You have a brother."

There was silence. The news did surprise Evan, but it was less surprising than the info regarding his genitals.

Tony scratched his head in confusion. "Aren't you surprised?"

"Wow, I was so shocked that my heart felt like it was going to fall off," Evan answered with a flat tone and flat expression. "Come on, Dad. If I have a brother, then what?

He's never been in my life. Whether I know him or not, it won't change anything."

"But, I think you should know about him."

"Okay then." Evan sat on the sofa. "If it is important, I will listen. But, I beg you, tell everything right away and don't be frozen like a statue. It's just a waste of time."

Unfortunately, Tony is already in his signature pose. His hands were crossed and his eyes closed. His forehead frowned as a sign that the man was deep in thought.

"Great," Evan complained in an irritated tone.