11. His Love is Not Blind

Kevin combed his well-groomed hair. Today, he has to look good in front of Kara. His appearance must be impeccable. Yesterday, Kara indeed turned him down, but sooner or later that girl will definitely fall on his knees, like the other girls he used to date. They were amazed by his appearance and wealth.

If only that ordinary-looking boy wasn't close to Kara, everything could have been easier.

Kevin chuckled, trying to wipe Evan's annoying face out of his mind. Evan is insignificant. Kevin wins in many ways. Later, Kara will definitely choose the best.

A faint smile formed on Kevin's mouth. He will enjoy this process. If Kara is too easy to get, Kevin won't be challenged. He just had to change his strategy. If Kara doesn't like being invited to the student council so that Kevin can often meet that tomboyish girl, maybe he should find another way.

Kevin grabbed his sling bag, then came out of his room whistling and turning his car keys. Because his parents were not there and there were only servants, he just walked out of his big and luxurious house, approaching his shiny red sedan.

Just arriving near the garage, the young man met a human figure in a dark gray robe with a head covered in a hood. Kevin didn't know who that suspicious person was.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kevin asked in a firm tone. "This is private property, you cannot enter without permission."

That figure was facing Kevin. From the hood he was wearing, the only thing that could be seen was darkness, his face was not visible at all.

"You really hate it, right? You really hate Evan, right? Because of him, you can't date Kara." The figure spoke in a deep, buzzing voice.

Kevin's forehead frowned. "Errr… I think the word hate is too much. I just annoyed by him .... Hey, why am I responding to you!? Why are you meddling in my life!? Who are you!? Why do you know all that!?"

That figure paused for a moment, before finally saying, "But, Evan is very close to Kara! You're jealous of that guy, right!? You want him to leave Kara, right!? Doesn't it hurt to see the person you love become someone else's lover!?"

"Yes, all of that is true, but you are making all of that sound too much." Kevin looked even more confused. "Yes, I do like Kara, but if it doesn't work, then fine. There are many other girls. I don't want to be blind because of love."

That figure fell silent again.

"Hey, why am I still responding to you!?" Kevin grumbled. "If you don't wanna tell me who you are, get out of here! Or I'll call the security guard ...."

Kevin gasped when the figure in the dark robe moved so fast and suddenly was in front of him. The young man couldn't do anything when that figure held his forehead. Instantly, Kevin's joints couldn't move at all.

Kevin's breathing started to get heavy. His eyes widened with terror. The left hand holding his forehead was no ordinary hand, it was gray, unlike human skin color, decorated with slimy, shiny scales, and long dark red nails.

"It doesn't really matter if your negative emotions aren't that strong."

"Arggghhh ...." Kevin started moaning in pain. His head which was still held by that figure felt so painful. Then, from that figure's hand, something shaped like thick gray mud emerged. The object began to wrap around Kevin's head, making him scream in pain. "Arggghhhh!!!"


That morning, Shane walk to his campus while grumbling to himself. His mouth was very sullen and his steps were so unsteady. When he saw couples amidst the hustle and bustle of other students, he wanted to go on a rampage.

Suddenly, the young man felt a heavy blow on his back. "Ouch!"

"Hey! Why do you look like you have no energy!? Why are you being like Evan who looks lazy every morning!?" Kara, who had just hit Shane's back, asked.

Shane rubbed his back while grimacing in pain. "Are you insane!? It very hurts you know!"

"How come it hurts!? It's very light compared to what I gave Evan!"

"Don't mention that traitor's name in front of me! I'm fed up with him!" Shane grumbled and started walking again.

Startled, Kara grabbed Shane's shoulder. "What happened!? Why do you call him a traitor?"

With an exaggerated expression of annoyance, Shane groaned like a sick person. Her voice also trembled. "He skipped class to date Popo and Mimi at the amusement park! This morning, he came to my house to drop his assignment! He asked me to give it to the professor! "

"Eh?" The corners of Kara's lips twitched.

"Why? Why is he luckier than me? " Shane complained like he wanted to cry.

Kara lowered her head. Her shoulders were slightly bent. Her mouth made a strange hissing sound. Shane got goosebumps because he could feel the demonic aura coming from Kara's body.

The girl giggled in a dark tone, then muttered softly, "Why does she have to date now? There is indeed a three-time pass in each class, but how could he use it for such a reason?"

The students who were walking turned their heads to Kara. Looks like, their attention was also attracted by the terrifying aura that girl gave off.

"Are you okay, Kara?" Shane grimaced. He was worried about his friend's situation.

"Arghhhhh!!! He really is an idiot!" Kara shouted out loud.

However, Kara's shout was muffled by other shouts in the distance. The attention of the people, including Shane and Kara, is on the campus streets. There, they saw a human figure with a gray wolf head without fur. That figure, dressed as an ordinary human, was running here and there.

"Monsterrr!!!" Shane shrieked and ran immediately.

Checking the figure for a moment, Kara also ran. "What the hell is that!?"

"Who cares who that figure is!" Shane shouted.

The situation became chaotic. The students were running here and there to escape. That monster stopped and looked around until finally, he saw Kara and Shane who were running near the library.

The monster ran over there.

"Why is he chasing us!" This time, Shane's voice was so high, like a woman who needed help.

The monster's running speed was far above Shane's and Kara's. In just a moment, he was very close to them. Shane tried to run even faster, but his breath was running out. His body, which had never exercised was running out of energy.

And finally, from behind, the monster grabbed Shane by the collar. Shane, who could not fight back, was pulled, his neck was choked by the monster's gray hand. And then, he was pushed against the wall.

"Where's Evan!?" The figure snapped loudly. His yellow eyes glared at Shane's face and saliva dripped from his sharp-toothed mouth.

"Let him go!" Kara tries to get the monster's hand off Shane's neck, but her body is pushed hard and crashes onto the paved road.

With eyes that were already starting to tear up, Shane forced himself to stare at the monster. "Evan is my friend! I won't tell him where he is! "

Kara, who was sitting below, widened her eyes in disbelief. Apparently, the strength of the friendship between Shane and Evan is very strong. "Shane ...."

However, the wolf monster raised its other hand. The fingers on his hands sprouted long, sharp-looking claws,

"He's at the city's amusement park!" Shane finally answered in a very fast tone.

"Eeeh!?" Kara, who heard Shane's change in attitude so quickly, could only lower her jaw.

The monster took his hand off Shane. Shane immediately knelt down while coughing and holding his neck. Still gawking, Kara saw the monster running away so fast like a wild boar.

Shane squeezed his head. He looked really sorry. "Ah, shit… I'm the one who betrayed Evan now. Why did I tell the monster his location?"

"There's no point thinking about that now. You were being threatened." Grimacing in pain and holding her sore butt, Kara got up. "We have to go to the amusement park too. I'll use your motorbike. Today I didn't bring mine .... Ah, don't forget to call the police."

"How do I tell all this to the police!?" Shane shouted again. "Will they believe it!?"