12. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park

"Aieeeee!!!" Evan, who was sitting in the front seat of the roller coaster, screamed hysterically.

Meanwhile, Popo, who sat beside his master, stretched out her arms and laughed. "Hahahahaha! This is wonderful, Master!"

Evan continues to scream as the roller coaster accelerated, turned really fast, and went over the 360-degree section. Evan had tears in his eyes and snot. His voice was also the loudest among the other passengers.

And finally, the roller coaster slowed down and stopped. Popo came down with smiles, while Evan came out of lumbering and shaking. He had to be assisted by Popo to get off that high-speed vehicle.

"Master, come on!" Popo, wearing an oversized black jacket over his green dress, pointed to a vehicle with a stationary horizontal gondola with a 360-degree swinging pendulum.

Seeing the ride, Evan covered his mouth. He wanted to vomit so badly, his head was dizzy, and his eyes were lightheaded. All this time, after getting on the first ride, he had been obeying the potato chip girl's request. Initially, Popo was confused while riding the Ferris Wheel, but after that, she became so addicted and asked to keep on going on various rides.

"Ah, sorry Popo. I want to rest for a bit. " Evan asked with a grimace

Seeing the face of her master turned pale, Popo gasped. "Sorry, Master! I didn't know you were sick! "

Evan laughed a little. "I'm not sick, Popo. I'm just tired after riding those many rides."

They came to a long chair. Evan immediately sat down, while Popo remained standing in front of him.

"What can I do, Master?" Popo asked with a very worried face.

A wide smile formed on Evan's lips. "You don't need to do anything, Popo. I really just need to rest a little."

Then, an unexpected event occurred. Popo's eyes suddenly filled with tears. Both ends of his lips are so down. Evan was shocked. He immediately looked around, hoping that the people around that place didn't misunderstand him.

"Why, why do you look sad, Popo?" Evan became nervous, afraid of hurting Popo's feelings. "Do you still want to ride the rides? Come on then!"

Evan, who was about to stand up, could only gawk when Popo shook his head. The potato chip girl then said softly while wiping a drop of tears in her eyes. "I made you sick, but I can't do anything to make you better. I want to do something for you."

Evan's smile returned. Having someone who cared so much for him made that young man very happy. He then took out a piece of money from his wallet and handed it to Popo.

"Buy me a bottle of water and any snacks, then. If you want something, buy it…. Ah, I forgot you don't eat and drink." The young man said in a warm tone.

The potato chip girl took the money, held it tight, then put it on her chest. Her eyes are closed and she's is smiling widely.

"Good! I will do it!" Popo said cheerfully when she opened her eyes. She then jogged, leaving her master.

Evan widened his smile as he watched the girl move away. It's all so much fun. Moreover, because it was not a weekend or a holiday, there were not many people coming to the amusement park. He doesn't need to queue and not see a lot of people passing by. He can really enjoy this date.

He then took out his cellphone from his pants pocket. He had put it in his shirt pocket, but to keep it from falling because he rode a lot on rides, he had to put it in his pants pocket.

Even though, in truth, he was still worried because Mimi was so close to his male part, again.

"Mimi, can you hear me?" Evan asked by putting his cell phone to his ear, acting like he was on the phone so that he wouldn't be suspected and considered a freak.

"Yes, Master. I can hear you loud and clear. How's the date? I can hear you, but I can't see you. I hear your screams and Popo's loud laughs. Did you guys just have crazy sex moves?"

"Hell no!" Evan grumbled, but he really wanted to laugh. "Ah, thanks for suggesting me to date Popo today. Maybe you are right. After yesterday's absurd events, especially when my dad tells a story about me having a brother who might be evil, I need something like this, so I don't go crazy."

"Well, you are my Master. I just want to make you happy."

"And thanks a lot for not receiving messages from Shane and Kara." Evan laughed a little, imagining the anger of his two friends. Maybe he will be hit by Kara again, but right now he doesn't care

Seeing Popo approaching him from the distance, Evan said again to his cellphone, "Okay, that's enough. Popo is back."

"Okay, okay," Mimi answered with a sigh. "I'll be a good cell phone. I will keep quiet so that your date is not ruined."

Evan put his cell phone back into his pants pocket. He was almost laughing when he realized that Popo didn't bring a small water bottle as it should be, but instead hugged a one-liter one.

"Wow, thanks," Evan said with a smile when Popo was in front of him. He decided not to discuss that huge bottle. He didn't want to hurt Popo's feelings. It seems that Popo really doesn't really understand the way of the human mind. The young man then received the bottle from Popo and observed the girl's empty hands. "So, where's the snack?"

Instead of answering, Popo looked down and played with her skirt. Her face began to turn red. Evan immediately had the feeling that Popo was going to give him something more shocking. Not really a problem for Evan. That is what makes Popo so unique in his eyes.

Evan waited, not wanting to force Popo to speak.

Finally, Popo looked away a little. Her mouth is pouty. "I… I just don't want Master to eat another snack."

Even though that sentence sounded strange, Evan's spirit suddenly surged. He stood up and held Popo's hands. With an emotional tone and an expression like he was about to cry, Evan said loudly, "I promise not to eat another snack! It's for your sake!"

Evan didn't care that the people passing by looked at him in confusion. In fact, the most important thing now is that he has got the best girl.

With her face still blushing, Popo smiled and looked at her master. "Hehe …. Thank you, Master. But, if it's troublesome for you …."

"No! I really won't eat another snack!" Evan tightened his grip on Popo's hand.

Popo's smile widened. Evan's face began to turn red and his heart was racing. He was determined to protect that smile to death.

Taking a deep breath, Evan said, "Popo, I really lo ...."

Evan's words were interrupted by shouts of fear in the distance. He and Popo immediately turned to the direction the voice was coming from. The people seemed to have been running around.