13. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park (2)

"What the f*ck is that?" Evan widened his eyes when he saw a human figure with a wolf head running around with a scary grin. "Is that a new show from this amusement park ...."

Evan stopped talking when he found that the monster looked organic, unlike a person wearing a costume. The monster's mouth — which had fangs — opened and closed like that of a real wolf.

"Where are you, Evan!?" The monster roared loudly. "I'll kill you!!!"

That monster's roar sent shivers to Evan's spine. His feet took a few steps back and his mouth opened. Is he hallucinating? Is he currently in a Japanese children's series about a superhero fighting monsters and soon the superhero helps him? Seriously?

And why should he be targeted?

Evan winced as the monster stared at him. That monster roared again in a terribly loud voice, then started running towards Evan.

"Let's run, Popo!" The young man immediately tapped the potato chip girl on the shoulder, then ran as fast as he could.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Evan cursed uncontrollably. He just wants to enjoy being together with Popo, but why is he now being chased by a terrible monster? Is it because of his power? Was that monster sent by an organization that wanted to abuse him?

Or is this Dovi's doing, as his father said yesterday?

The young man checked behind. He was surprised when he realized that Popo was not running with him. That potato chip girl was still standing where she was, bending her knees slightly and holding her potato-headed wand in both hands.

The girl looked like she was pushing hard like someone who was pooping whose feces did not come out.

Evan stopped running, then shouted loudly, "Popo!!! What are you doing!? Let's run…. Aieeee!!!"

The young man was forced to run again when he saw the wolf monster getting closer to him. Evan knew he had to do something, but his brain went blank.

He then turned at an intersection. Seeing a small empty food stall, he went in there, closed the door tightly, and curled up underneath.

"Evan, where are you, bastard!? Show yourself!" The monster's screams got closer and closer. Evan could only hold his breath with a trembling body, hoping the monster didn't check into the stall.

Evan continued to stay where he was. Several minutes passed, the monster was still screaming, but its voice sounded distant. Until finally, its scream was not heard at all.

Still shaking, Evan forced himself to look through the window. There is no one else. Apparently, people also went into hiding. The monster is nowhere to be seen either. However, Evan did not come out of the stall and instead crouched down so he still could not be seen.

Evan looked at his trembling right hand. Perhaps, he should use his power to fight back? At the very least, there will be someone who protecting him while he looks for Popo and runs away.

The question is, can that power turn inanimate objects into a fighter?

Having no other choice, he felt he had to try it. He then started to concentrate on turning his power. It only took a few seconds for his right hand to emit a dim white light. And then, looked around to find objects that could be given life.

It would be troublesome if he gave life to slices of bread, sausages, vegetables, or sauces. They might end up like Popo who would ask Evan to eat them. Perhaps it would be better to give life to something that could be used as a weapon.

Evan kept looking until his eyes found a knife lying on the cutting board. Without thinking, Evan took that knife.

"Please, be alive," Evan whispered to the knife as if it were a living thing.

In anticipation of the bright light that would come out of the knife, Evan closed his eyes. He then took a breath and waited.

However, after a while, nothing happened. Evan didn't even feel the heat in his hands like when he gave life to Mimi and Popo.

That young man opened one eye. The knife in his hand was still shaped as it should, had not yet turned into a human form.

Evan cleared his throat softly. He closed his eyes again and tried to be more focused.

Unfortunately, even after waiting a little longer, the results were the same. The knife still hadn't changed.

Evan chuckled in disappointment, staring at the sharp, gleaming part of that cutting tool. Unwilling to give up, he changed his position, from standing straight, lifting one leg like a crane, swinging the knife, even turning his butt like a fool. However, none of that worked.

Getting more frustrated, he then took out his cellphone, and said, "Mimi please help me! I can't turn this damn knife into human form!"

"Hold on, Master." Mimi's voice came from the cellphone.

That phone then shone brightly and Evan immediately put it on the floor before it got hot. "Hey, don't change now, the monster will find us!"

"Monster?" Mimi, who was already in human form and kneeling on the floor, frowned. "Is that why I heard the screaming voices earlier?"

"I need this thing to protect me from the monster so that I can run away!" Evan explained quickly while raising the knife in his hand.

Instead of answering immediately, Mimi fell silent. Evan, already very upset and impatient, shook that cellphone girl's body.

"Hey, answer me!"

Mimi closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. "Right now, you can't use your power, Master."

Evan raised an eyebrow. "Huh? How come?"

Mimi looked away from her master. "This isn't the right time to explain that… I'm not saying that you can't use your power anymore... You just have to wait."

"But, I need my power now!" Evan was getting frustrated. "Please, is there nothing that can be done?"

"There is Popo. She should have some fighting ability…." Mimi choked up. She looked around like she was looking for something. "Where's Popo?"

"I was forced to leave her ...."

"You left her, Master?" Mimi interrupted. She gave Evan an intense glare.

"I had to do that because that monster was after me…."

"You left her alone?" Mimi interrupted her master again. Now, her tone began to rise.

Evan's heart rate jumped. His hands that were on Mimi's shoulders immediately fell limply. His mouth which was now trembling began to open.

Yes, he left Popo alone.

Yes, he was being chased by the monster. But, to leave Popo alone? Isn't that a bad thing? The monster didn't attack Popo, but that didn't mean the potato chip girl wasn't really in any danger.

Evan squeezed his head. His breathing was getting heavy. He felt like a fool.

"Master, where are you!? Please answer me!"

Suddenly, Evan heard a hoarse scream from a distance. He gasped and froze for a moment, then hurriedly came out of the stall. He does not care about hiding anymore.

In the distance, Evan's eyes immediately saw Popo walking alone, wiping her tears. Seeing that, he felt his heart sink deeply.

The potato chip girl groaned, "Oh, Master, where are you ...."

Popo choked when he saw the figure of her master. That girl immediately ran with a relieved smile, but her eyes continued to burst into tears.

"Master ...." Popo stopped in front of her master, still smiling. "Thank goodness, you are all right. I am very worried."

Popo was not angry at all even though Evan had left her alone. Instead, she was worried about Evan.

Seeing Popo wiping his tears again, Evan felt like crying too. That young man then hugged Popo's tiny body tightly.