14. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park (3)

"What's the matter, Master?" Popo asked in confusion.

Evan tightened his hug again. His eyes were getting wetter. "I'm sorry I left you, Popo."

The potato chip girl raised an eyebrow. "That's because you are being chased by that monster…. Hey, why are you crying, Master? "

Evan hurriedly let go of his hug. He turned and wiped the tears that had come out. Popo blinked. She was even more confused by her master's behavior.

"No, nothing!" After a while, Evan managed to hold back his tears He then lifted his head and smiled at Popo.

Now, Popo looks worried. "Did I hurt you again Master ...."

Mimi tapped the potato chip girl on the shoulder. "Master is crying because he is worried about you. You should be happy about it."

"Aah!" Evan remembered that they were in a dangerous state right now. "We have to escape from this place immediately!"

"But, I can fight that monster, Master," Popo replied to his master's words. Her hand gripped the potato-headed wand tighter and tighter.

"That's right, every being you give life to has the ability to fight," Mimi added.

Evan shook his head and stared fixedly at Popo's face, who was looking confused again. "I don't want you to get hurt, Popo."

The two girls exchanged glances. Mimi shrugged and said, "Well, it's up to you, Master. My job is only to explain about your power, not as your moral compass."

"I will obey everything Master says, whether it's fighting or not." Popo nodded firmly.

"Besides, I'm not sure you can fight, Popo. Earlier, you were like someone holding something back, Popo. You were holding back pee, huh? " Evan joked to break the ice.

Tilting his head, Popo blinked again. "Those are preparations for performing my special move, Master."

Evan laughed. He didn't think that Popo could joke around too. "Alright, alright, now we better get out of here ...."

"One of the things that constitute the being that you animate is some knowledge or topic that exists in society about the things you give life to, Master. So, maybe that's how Popo activated her special move," Mimi interrupted, rubbing her chin.

It took a few seconds for Evan to fully understand Mimi's words. "So, you said Popo did that because potato chips contain very little fiber and if you only eat it every day, it will make you constipated?"

"Maybe so." Mimi nodded slowly.

Evan examined Mimi's face. He didn't see any sign that the cell phone girl was lying, in fact, she looked very serious.

The corners of Evan's lips twitched. He didn't know how to respond. Why should his superpower be so absurd?

"We'll still run away, right, Master?" Popo said in a worried tone. "That monster can appear at any time."

"Aah." Evan remembered again that now wasn't the time for a long chat. He can ask more about his power once he is in a safe place.

Hearing the sound of gunfire in the distance, Evan swallowed hard. That means the authorities have stepped in to defeat the monster. This is really a serious problem.

Evan gave a hand gesture for the two girls to follow. He then ran away from that place. Every now and then he hid and peeked to check the situation. They haven't found anyone else at all. Perhaps, the people had been evacuated.

"Why didn't anyone come to save us?" Running down a paved street, Evan complained. He was getting frustrated that there was no one else to ask for help.

"I just got connected to the internet." Mimi replied. "Special forces have been deployed here to fight against that monster. The fire department has also come to evacuate people."

"Argh! That means we are unlucky not to find them!" Right after saying that, Evan heard the whir of the guns for the umpteenth time. He had indeed heard it several times while running away.

The three of them then stopped beside a restaurant building. Like earlier, Evan peeked to check the situation first.

Evan's gasped violently. He saw a man in black, lying on the paved road and covered in blood. Besides that person, there was another person dressed the same, like a special trooper, complete with a rifle and helmet. He was bandaging his comrade's wounds.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" The special forces member snapped at the sight of Evan peeking and froze. "Get out of here! It's not safe here!"

Instead of leaving right away, Evan came out with limping steps. His gaze was fixed on the member of the special forces who was lying on the street with his mouth still moaning in pain.

And in the distance, he heard the whir of guns again.

"Master?" Popo also came out of hiding. She looked confused again.

"I said once again that Popo has the fighting ability. We still have a chance to fight that monster." Mimi reminds her master as she folds her arms across her chest.

"Hey, are you f*cking deaf!? Hurry up and run from here! " The special forces member snapped again.

Instead of following the man's orders, Evan lowered his head. His hands were tightly clenched. His desire to run away was already so great. However, was that the right thing to do, when he had the opportunity to fight and save many lives?

He will probably be questioned by the authorities after this. In fact, he, Popo, and Mimi might even go viral. Maybe someone is recording, or CCTV footage of this place will be spread.

Perhaps, her usual quiet life would disappear.

However, this happened because of a single monster who was chasing after him. That said, all these disasters happened because of him.

"Hey, didn't you guys hear me!? It's dangerous here!!!" Finally, that special forces member got up. He stared ferociously at Evan through the hole in his balaclava.

Not getting a response from them, the man snorted. He helped his bandaged colleague sit up, leaning him against a tree. He then crouched down and said to his partner, "There are three stupid brats who are probably too scared to run away alone. I'll walk them out of here. Is it okay for you to stay here until help arrives? I will hide you somewhere."

"F*ck you, Al! I'm not that weak!" The colleague answered in a firm tone. He suddenly tried to get up with the remaining strength.

"Hey what are you doing, mothef*cker!?" The special forces members called Al tried to support his comrade who was about to collapse. "You're still badly injured, Bob!"

The man with the name Bob cracked his head a little. "I can still do it. You join with the others. You are still needed. Let me escort these three kids out."

Evan clenched his fists even harder. A wounded soldier is willing to help him, even though he has the power to fight monsters. Ironic.

He had to do something. He must not hesitate.

"Popo, I'm sorry," Evan said with fiery eyes.

"Why apologize again, Master?" Popo raised an eyebrow.

"Can I ask you to fight that monster? I don't want any more victims." Evan looked at Popo.

It only took a few seconds for Popo to nod firmly.

"Hey, you guys. Follow me." Bob approached Evan and the two girls. But, they ran from him instead. "Hey, where are you going!? That's not the way out!"