15. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park (4)

While the wounded special forces member pursued them, Evan and his two girls continued to run. The sound of firearms could be heard in the distance. Evan could also faintly hear the screams of pain from the people. It seemed the battles against that monster were intense.

"Hey, wait for me, you brats!" The special forces member shouted. He fell far behind because he ran with an injured leg. "Where are you guys going!?"

"Should I attack him, Master?" Popo, who was running beside Evan, asked. "I think he will become a nuisance when we are going to carry out the plan."

"No! He's a good guy!" Evan shouted in surprise, not expecting Popo to say that.

"Then, what should we do?" Mimi ran closer to her master.

Evan scratched his hair, starting to think hard. Not long after that, he got an idea. A crazy idea.

He looked back and raised his right hand. In just a few seconds, the young man's right hand gave off a dim white light.

"I have the power of God, sir! I have the power to fight against that monster!" Evan shouted loudly.

"Huuuh!!??" The special forces member named Bob looked even angrier. "What are you talking about, you bastard!? Hand of God!? Are you fucking insane!?"

He looked back again. Bob seemed to be still pursuing stubbornly. Sighing, Evan then turned to Mimi again. "Now, you better turn into a cell phone again! I want to show him something!"

Mimi's eyebrows rose. "What for? Isn't it better to hide your power?"

"Just do it!"

Mimi shrugged, then nodded. Evan stopped running and faced Bob. The two girls also stopped.

"Look, sir!" Evan shouted and grabbed Mimi's shoulder.

Mimi's body began to give off a bright light. Bob immediately gasped and stopped his run. The man covered his eyes with his arm from the glare. It took a few seconds for the bright light to dim until it finally disappeared.

As usual, Mimi's figure is nowhere to be seen and now Evan is holding a black cellphone. Bob paused for a moment, then walked over to Evan with brisk strides. He gave a very sharp gaze.

"Did you see that, Sir!? That girl has turned into this cell phone! I have the superpower to make inanimate objects alive and fight." Evan then patted Popo's shoulder who was standing next to him. "And this girl was once a bag of .... Um .... She also comes from an inanimate object and can fight!"

Bob kept walking. Even though Evan wanted to run away because the expression in the special forces member's eyes looked very scary, the young man remained in his position. Now, he could only hope that Bob believed his absurd explanation. If Bob believed, he won't interfere with Evan's plans. Apart from that, that special force member might also be able to help.

Bob stopped in front of Evan, who glared back at him. Then, suddenly he grabbed Evan by the collar very hard.

"All of those mumbo jumbos are just magic tricks and anyone can do it if they learn it!!!" Bob snapped with all his might. "I don't understand, what do you really fucking want!? Do you want to play superheroes!? Now is not the time! Besides ..."


Bob's words were cut short by Popo's wand hitting his face. The hit was so hard that Bob collapsed. Evan could only gawk as he looked at Bob who was already unconscious.

They just knocked out a police officer.

Suddenly, something even more absurd happened. Popo was prostrated before his master. "Forgive me for not following your orders, Master! You told me not to attack him, but I hit him anyway! I did that because he seemed going to hurt you! I'm willing to get any punishment to make up for my mistakes!"

Evan stared in confusion. It took him a while to come to his senses. He then gently pulled Popo's body to stand up. The young man then wiped off Popo's tears that had come out again.

"Never mind Popo." Evan sighed tiredly, but his mouth was smiling. "After all, you did it because you wanted to protect me, right?"

Popo tried to hold back her tears. "Master, you are very kind."

Evan could only widen his smile. It is useless to explain the importance of a member of the special forces in this condition, or to explain that simply pulling on the collar does not always end in violence.

All that is useless. Popo really lacks human common sense.

Evan took the potato chip girl's hand. "Come on, we still have something to do."

Still fighting the tears, Popo nodded.

The two of them were just about to run, when suddenly not far from where they were, there was the sound of a loud gunshot, followed by a thud. A member of the special forces had just been thrown from nowhere and landed on a paved road.

Evan immediately frowned, but he quickly braced himself. There was no time to be surprised.

The hands and feet of that special forces member were covered with scratches. He could only lie on the street clutching his wounds and moaning in pain.

There was no mistaking it, the monster was close.

"I'll get that monster's attention, while you prepare to perform your special move," Evan hissed quickly. His heart was beating so fast it hurt a little, but he felt like he still had to do all of this.

Unexpectedly, Popo shook her head. "The last time I got ready to use my special move, you were chased by a monster and disappeared! I don't want that to happen again!"

Evan grabbed Popo's cheeks with both hands. He turned the girl's face to face him. "Look me in the eye, Popo. This is all we can do. Don't worry, I can take care of myself, really."

"But ...." Popo gasped. Her teary eyes met her master's eyes.

After gently stroking Popo's hair, Evan crouched down to check on Bob, who was still lying down unconscious. Evan shook Bob's body to wake him up. But, it didn't work at all.

Initially, Evan wanted to take Bob's rifle to fight the monster. However, he never wielded a firearm at all. He didn't know how to use it. If he forced himself to use it, a disaster can happen. For example, he could have shot Popo by mistake.

Hearing footsteps accompanied by the sound of something being dragged, Evan swallowed hard. His heart was not ready for all the risks, but he forced himself to get up, facing that sounds' origin.

The wolf-headed monster came out from behind a toilet building. His hand was dragging a member of the special forces whose face was covered in blood. The face and body of the monster were also covered in wounds that were bleeding red. It seemed they all came from the bullets grazing him.

Seeing Evan, the monster released the member of the special force down, causing a soft thud. Then, he started walking slowly toward Evan. His body bent slightly, his drooling mouth growled softly, and his eyes were so fixed on Evan. That monster is like a predator hunting its prey.

Evan's body was now shaking violently. The young man's cold sweat started pouring out. He was so nervous that he found it difficult to say to Popo, "G-get ready, Popo."

Popo froze and looked at her master with a doubtful look. However, she still carried out Evan's orders. The potato chip girl closed her eyes, slightly bent her knees, and now her expression was like someone who is pushing while pooping.

A strange scene, but right now Evan paid no heed to it.

"If you showed up earlier, there would be no casualties, Evan." The monster growled. His gaze looked so cruel.

Evan took a step back. He ventured to ask, "W-why are you looking for me?"

The monster stopped walking. He widened his eyes, then let out a loud roar, "How can you ask such a question!? It's so obvious! Thanks to you, I can't date Kara!"

Evan froze immediately. His brain was blank. "Huh?"