16. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park (5)

Evan stayed where he was, while the monster continued to roar. Even more strangely, the monster didn't attack Evan and instead stood there, waving his hands with random movements. He really looks like an idiot.

"So ..." After hearing the reason that monster was chasing him, as well as seeing the normal clothes that the monster was wearing, it took Evan a while to link all of this. "Are you Kevin?"

Yes, only that name crossed Evan's mind. Kevin is the last person who wants to date Kara. Even if that was wrong, Evan would mention 78 other names, and some even came from the junior high school where Kara studied.

"Who else, you bastard!?" The monster roared again.

"How do I know if you are Kevin if your head is super ugly like that!" Rather than being afraid, Evan felt angrier now. Because of that stupid love problem, he had to run until he was tired and the situation got very chaotic. "What about that secret organization that wants me because my power has awakened!? Why are you looking like this bald shaven dog, O damn senior!?"

Evan got angry like that not just to vent his frustration. Yes, he does feel humiliated because he is not being chased by an evil organization which is certainly more convincing than a heartbroken teenager, but there is another purpose for him doing something like that.

He glanced at Popo, who was still standing with an expression like a constipated person trying to get his feces out.

Evan was buying time.

Kevin didn't answer and growled instead, still with his hands moving randomly.

"Hey, are your ears just a display!?" Evan has his hands on his hips. He still intends to continue his nonsense. It was better than being tired of running around. "Did you just drink the sperm of an extraterrestrial being, which has the power to change your form ..."

"Argggghhh!!!" Kevin held his head tightly. His eyes twitched in opposite directions. "I don't understand what you are talking about! You make me feel dizzy! You better just die! "

Seeing Kevin running towards him, Evan was forced to turn around and run too. "Hey, why are you being so stupid!? Did the sperm of the extraterrestrial being you drink reduce your intelligence!?"

"I don't drink anyone's sperm, motherfucker! A stranger came and made me like this!" Kevin roared with saliva that spurted all over the place.

Evan's forehead frowned. Did Kevin mean Dovi? Perhaps, Dovi finds out about the people who hate Evan. Then, with his power, Dovi turned Kevin into a monster to kill Evan?

Kevin let out a loud roar, then jumped high. Evan, who looked back, immediately realized that now was not the time to think about anything else, he should focus on escaping.

"Aieeee!!!" Evan screamed in terror. The monster was so close to him, his mouth wide open and his tongue twitching wildly like the weird dildos Evan had seen in porn.

However, all of a sudden, the monster was blown away in another direction. Popo, who also jumped from nowhere, hit the monster with her wand.

"I won't let you hurt my master!" Popo said aloud as soon as she landed on her feet. Then, she ran over to the monster who was trying to stand up. "Heaaa!!!"

Popo hit Kevin's head with her stick again. Kevin stumbled backward and couldn't anticipate Popo's wand on his leg. He then fell so hard. Popo didn't waste that opportunity and brutally beat the monster.

Evan tilted his head while observing this unique scene. Popo looks like a thug beating her helpless victim. Kevin could only curl up while protecting his head, while the blows continued to hit his body.

This was far from Evan's idea of ​​fighting monsters.

"Errr…" Evan scratched his hair, remembering something extremely important. "I appreciate you for helping me, but didn't you promise me to be ready to release your special move, while I was buying time? You didn't forget it, right?"

"I don't want you to disappear like that again, Master!" Popo screamed as she continued to beat Kevin. "What's more, this monster will really hurt you!"

"Aah." Evan just stared expressionlessly, feeling it was a waste of time to talk at length to the monster, and ran away to buy time. In the end, Popo didn't do her special move.

However, Evan tried to take the positive side of what was happening. Maybe, by being beaten continuously like that, Kevin will be helpless and will no longer chase Evan.

"Arggghhhh!!!" Kevin roared for the umpteenth time.

Evan's hopes were dashed at once when, unexpectedly, Kevin got up and caught Popo's Wand. He gave Popo's streak of claws, making the potato chip girl shed blood. Then, Kevin easily grabbed Popo's body and threw her into the air.

Because it was so light, Popo's body flew far away until it finally disappeared among the decorative bushes in the distance.

"Popooo!!!" Evan screamed hysterically.

It all happened so fast, Evan couldn't do anything.

Kevin turned to face Evan again. That monster's face was almost shapeless because it was filled with blue bruises from Popo's wand.

Hearing a muffled growl from Kevin's mouth, Evan swallowed hard. His legs were shaking violently. When he was running earlier, the monster easily chased him. Without Popo's help, his body might have been torn apart.

Running isn't something that will save him, but unfortunately, Popo is out of sight and can't help him.

He's so fucked up.

While the monster walked over with a cruel expression, Evan retreated by raising his hands. "Calm down, Kevin. We can talk about this. What do you want? Kara? I can help you set you up with that girl. However, if I die, I can't help you at all."

Kevin kept walking. He doesn't care what Evan says.

Evan thought that monster was really stupid. Instead of lunging at once, he walked slowly like that, giving Evan time to think. However, of course, that doesn't mean Evan is safe. He still had to find a solution to this terrifying situation, or else he would die.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he thought, Evan couldn't find a way to survive.

Even when the young man's back touched the wall of a building, he didn't know what to do. His heart continued to beat so fast, his cold sweat had already soaked his entire body, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Evan already felt that in a moment, he was going to pee himself.

The monster had yet to attack, but instead looked up and howled loudly. Evan, who had thought he was going to be killed, crouched down and curled up, holding his head.

At that moment, he heard the roar of a fast-approaching motor vehicle, followed by the sound of something being hit hard.

A few seconds passed, Evan had yet to feel the monster's claws tearing open his body.

"Sorry, I was late, the cops were blocking me."

Hearing the girl's familiar voice, Evan opened his eyes. He could see Kara riding a yellow scooter and Shane riding behind her. Kara smiled as she opened her helmet, while Shane tightly hugged her belly from behind with a trembling body.

"Holy shit! How can you ride my scooter so recklessly!?" Shane groaned in a faltering voice like a trampled chicken. "You are fucking crazy ..."

Shane covered his mouth, got off the scooter quickly, then vomited uncontrollably.

The vomit spilled in front of Evan. However, Evan didn't care, even though the vomit splattered on his shoes. He turned to the monster who was lying quite far away from him.

Did Kara hit the monster just now on a scooter?