18. It's Not a New Show at the Amusement Park (7)

The roar of the monster could be heard in the distance. Popo lowered her hand from Evan's cheek. The potato chip girl's eyes twitched warily as if she were looking for the origin of the voice.

"I have to fight that monster." Popo hissed, then tried to get up, even though her little body was shaking and she did it while grimacing in pain.

Evan grabbed the girl's shoulder immediately. "No, you are still badly injured!"

Popo, who was already in a sitting position, sighed and smiled at her master. "I can still do it, Master. Your bandages have really helped me."

Wiping away his tears, Evan looked at the bandaged part of Popo's stomach. Popo held the part gently.

"It's just a random bandage I made from my t-shirt! Maybe it contains a lot of germs from my sweat ..."

Evan's words were interrupted by Popo who suddenly rose to her feet.

The young man immediately stood up to face the potato chip girl. "No, Popo ...."

Now, Evan's words were interrupted by the touch of Mimi's hand on his shoulder. The cell phone girl smiled too.

"Let her be Master. She can't do her main purpose, which is to be eaten. You really want to get in the way of her who already has another, bigger purpose?"

Mimi's words made Evan freeze. The young man could not argue at all. She had seen Popo's grief at losing her purpose. How could he break that girl's heart again?

Popo nodded at her master and Mimi, then walked with a limp. Evan was speechless, watching Popo's steps begin to return to normal, then in a short time, she could run fast.

The potato chip girl looked like she wasn't hurt at all.

Evan thought, how great that girl is, still willing to fight for her master who can't do anything, even though she was badly injured.

"Come on, Master! Maybe she needs our help!" Mimi patted her master, then ran after Popo.

Evan was silent for a moment, before finally joining in the run. He hoped that Kara could still attract the monster's attention. If not, the monster will attack Evan and Popo can't use her special move again.

That would be disastrous.

Fortunately, Evan could still see Kara moving swiftly in various directions on the scooter. She confused the monster. Shane who was observing not far from there could only scream hysterically because his scooter was damaged in several parts.

Popo stopped nearby, began to perform her signature ritual of releasing a special move. Meanwhile, Evan and Mimi stopped next to her.

"Kara, hold on as long as possible! My only hope is you! If I join in, Popo won't be able to activate her special move!" Evan shouted with all his might.

"Huh!?" Kara, who had just grazed the monster until its fell, grumbled loudly. "But what I'm doing has a limit!!!"

Kara deliberately makes the back of the scooter slip, while simultaneously lifting the front wheel to aim at the monster. As soon as Kara turns on the gas, the scooter goes fast towards the monster who was still lying down.

However, even though Kara had turned the gas to its fullest, the scooter slowed down and stopped just inches from the monster.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent. Kara turned to Evan with robot-like movements.

Smiling stiffly, Kara says, "I ran out of gas."

"Groaaar!!!" The monster got up and raised his hands.

"Kyaaaa!!!" Surprised, Kara fell down with the scooter she was driving.

"Karaaaa!!!" Evan screamed hysterically.

However, after that, nothing happened. The atmosphere was quiet again. Even Shane who had been screaming all this time was frozen.

"Ah, he likes Kara, how could he hurt that girl?" Evan snorted.

Realizing his situation, Kara got up immediately, waved at the monster, and said, "Sorry, Kevin! Bye-bye!"

After that, she ran away at super high speed. The monster, whose shape was getting more and more disheveled with wounds and injuries, looked up and howled loudly.

Evan winced violently as the monster faced him. He immediately turned to Popo, who was still in a strange pose.

The young man almost screamed at Popo, asking the potato chip girl to immediately do that damn special move, but of course, it would only disturb her.

The monster walked slowly toward Evan again, not running at all. Evan swallowed hard, thinking hard to get out of this dire situation.

Should he ask Shane or Mimi to get the Monster's attention?

No. Enough is enough. He didn't want anyone to get hurt again. The young man then chose to shift to Popo and whispered, "Popo, whatever happens, don't stop the preparations for the special move. If you stop, I'll definitely die. Now, my only hope is you. You don't want me to die, do you?"

Popo slightly frowned and her mouth fell open. However, she immediately bit her lip. Her body started shaking again. She looked like she was holding back from moving from her place.

Of course, Evan didn't want to say something cruel like that to Popo. However, that was all he could think of.

Taking a deep breath, Evan faced the monster with a sharp gaze. Then, he ran with all his might, "Hey ugly narcissist senior, chase me!!!"


There was the sound of a bullet being fired and the monster collapsed instantly. Evan stopped in an awkward position, like a statue of a running man.

From behind a tree, a member of the special forces held a rifle in an aiming position. Apparently, he was the one who just shot the monster.

"Tch! Why do we even have orders not to kill him!? Maybe he's a human, but he's very dangerous!" The special forces member came out of hiding, followed by other members who appeared from various places.

"But at least he's already so battered." A member with a bandaged head chimed in. "He won't be too much trouble for us anymore."

With a trembling body, the monster tried to get back up. The bullet that was fired just grazed his leg.

"Can we at least beat him first?" Another member chimed in. "I fucking hate him."

"We only hit him if he resisted. Our orders now are to capture him alive." Said the member who had shot the monster earlier. "Let's just tie him up."

Evan froze, looking at the members of the special forces who were coming at the monster from various directions pointing their guns. Everything feels anticlimactic for him. He has superpowers, but he doesn't even do anything meaningful.