23. Vow

Shane's face turned serious, he whispered to Kara who was now standing beside him, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Kara didn't answer and just watched Evan and the two girls.

"Why are you apologizing, Mimi?" Evan asked the cell phone girl.

Instead of answering, Mimi lowered her head slightly and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

"I wanted to say thank you for everything you did for me, Master." Even though he was still crying, Popo smiled. She then looked at Tony, Shane, and Kara in turn. "And thanks to you guys for being kind to my master."

Evan hastily grabbed Popo's hands. The young man's heart started beating fast. This atmosphere really made him feel uncomfortable.

"I should thank you instead, Popo." Evan couldn't understand why he wanted to cry too. "It is you who make my life more colorful."

"Ah, you are very kind, Master." Popo widened his smile. Her tears were still falling. "Honestly, I still want to be by your side, but unfortunately that's impossible."

"Impossible? Why? If you want to be by my side, I really don't mind! We can be together for a week, a month, even for years! I will never be bored with you, Popo! "

Popo let go of his hand from his master's grip. She wiped out her tears which fell more and more. Her mouth was speechless, could only make a hoarse, halting voice. "I ... I ... I can feel it, Master."

"Feel? Feel what, Popo? Don't confuse me more, Popo." Evan worries more about Popo. He wanted to see Popo's smile, not a heartbreaking cry like this.

Mimi closed her eyes, then took a step forward, and lightly grasped her master's shoulder. "All inanimate objects that you give life can only last for about twenty-four hours, except me."

Evan's entire joint stiffened. He couldn't move. The young man could only stay where he was with his mouth open and his eyes filled with tears. Mimi's words were like bad news that made her heart feel like it was going to explode.

Shane checked his watch, then whispered again, "In a minute."

Evan's body was still frozen. Popo's cries got so much heavier that it made her tiny body tremble. Mimi also started crying. She clenched her mouth and looked away, unable to see the sight.

"Hey, you were lying, right, Mimi?" Kara asked with trembling lips. She approached the cell phone girl, shaking her head. "There's no way someone as good as Popo would just disappear."

Mimi just stared back at Kara with an expression of despair. Kara widened her eyes. Her body staggered backward, causing her to fall back into the chair.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Shane asked bitterly.

Mimi shook her head softly. "Nothing."

"Can't she be brought back to life?"

Mimi shook her head again.

Evan lowered his head in front of Popo who was still crying. The young man's body began to tremble. "Why are you just telling me now, Mimi?"

Mimi was silent for a moment, holding her chest, then answered, "Because you seem like you have an emotional connection with Popo. I just don't want to hurt your heart .... Ah, maybe by not telling you from the start, it just made your heart hurt even more. I am really, really sorry."

Evan laughed bitterly. However, it was only for a moment. He knew wailing wouldn't change anything.

"I will not give up." The young man hissed, wiped his tears, got up, and looked at Popo closely. Popo could only gawk when he saw his master's stern expression. "If Mimi's words are true, that soon you will leave me soon, then I promise I will find a way to bring you back."

Mimi slightly held her forehead. "But, that's impossible, Master ...."

"Say it, Mimi. Do you really know one hundred percent about this power within me?" Evan interrupted.

Mimi's mouth fell open. It took a few seconds for her to answer. "Honestly, I can't say that I understand everything, Master. All I can say is that some information popped into my head ever since I was given life by you."

"That means, we just don't know how to bring back the inanimate things I made alive." This time, Evan's voice was firm. He rubbed Popo's head while forcing himself to smile. In a more gentle tone, he said. "So, don't cry, Popo. I'm sure we'll meet again in the future. We will make many more beautiful memories."

Popo wiped away the remaining tears, smiled at his master, then nodded, "I'll wait for that moment."

Evan widened his smile. Popo's body slowly emitted a dim green light. Feeling the increasing warmth from Popo's head, Evan pulled his hand away. The light on Popo's body was getting brighter gradually.

"Once again, thank you for everything. Visiting the amusement park is very fun, Master ...." Popo gasped, then smiled again. "Bye."

The intensity of light from Popo's body peaked. Evan had to cover his eyes with his hands because of the glare.

A few seconds passed, the green light dimmed again. Evan lowered his hand. He can't see Popo anywhere. On the chair that the potato chip girl had just sat on, Evan could only see a jumbo green snack package.

Mimi and Kara started sobbing, while Evan reached out to grab that bag of snacks. He then lowered his head and hugged the snack, and knelt on the floor. With his head lowered, he shed tears in silence.

Shane took the initiative to go to his friend and pat him on the shoulder. "Hang in there, Bro."

On the other side of the room, Jon, who had been silent during that event and just observing, finally said in a flat tone, "Aah, looks like I'll suggest to the boss to postpone Evan's examination. We better wait after his mental recovery. This event must have a huge impact on him."

"Wow, you are very kind, Mr. Jon. " Tony replied sarcastically. Then what about me? How about that cell phone girl?"

"I will also ask to postpone the examination of both of you too. You two must stay by Evan's side to support him mentally." Jon answered as he continued to observe Evan, who was now standing while hugging that bag of potato chips with his head down. "But before you go home, I wanted to ask you, Tony."

Tony let out a tired sigh, he then asked in an emphatic tone, "What would you like to ask, Mr. John?"

"You once said that Dovi and Evan are brothers. Then, only the chosen people on your planet are lucky to have special powers, right? "

"Yes," Tony answered lazily. "So?"

Jon stood in front of Tony. Their faces are so close together. Even though his mouth was smiling, Jon's eyes were glued to Tony's. Tony wasn't intimidated at all and stared back.

"Isn't it an extraordinary coincidence that these two of your children receive a power that people rarely have? One of them even has power that almost equal to god. And do you know what amazes me even more? The only inhabitants of your planet who fled to earth are you and your two children. Supposedly, the probability of your two children possessing such immense power is very small."

Tony wore a meaningful smile. "Yes, that's an extraordinary coincidence. I'm amazed by that too."