24. Mr. Carrot

The man with long black hair, a thin beard, and wearing a white suit sat on a luxurious black sofa. His face looked so relaxed, even though in that luxurious-looking room he was surrounded by people with frightening faces and black suits. Some of them even have tattoos on their faces.

The man then yawned widely. Maybe because he was too relaxed.

"Do not play around!" One of the men in black suits — with a slightly wrinkled face and gray hair slicked back — turned the table down brutally in front of the man in the white suit. "You are already part of our organization! You can't just go out like that, Dovi!"

The man who was called Dovi looked at the broken glass from the table that had been overturned earlier. "You don't usually get this emotional, Mr. Carrot."

The other men immediately covered their mouths to suppress their laughter. Some of them couldn't even stop the giggles from leaving their mouths.

"How dare you call me by that name!" The man called Mr. Carrot snapped loudly. Some of the blood vessels in his neck began to bulge out, a sign that he was holding back his anger. "Call me Grigio!"

"But, Carrot is your surname, right?" Dovi answered with a face that was still relaxed. "I have always wondered why you use the nickname Grigio which is Italian. Obviously, you are not an Italian man."

The men were about to shut their mouths to suppress their laughter again, but as soon as they got a fierce look from Grigio they hurriedly lowered their heads in silence.

"Ah, you said earlier that I can't just leave the organization you belong to, right?" Dovi continued his words. "But, I never joined your organization, how can I leave?"

Grigio walked over to Dovi and grabbed his suit collar. Dovi was forced to stand up. However, he was not at all intimidated by Grigio's glare.

"Of course, you are already part of our organization! You supply the monsters to us! You are already part of our crime!"

Dovi took a deep breath, let go of Grigio's hand, then walked away from the man. He stopped in front of a large glass window, looking at the city streets at night full of vehicles passing by.

"As far as I can remember, I never swore allegiance to your criminal organization. I'm not comfortable getting too caught up in the world of selling drugs and the like." Dovi said in a flat tone. "I supplied the monsters only for money, nothing more. And now I feel bored with your organization. I already have more important goals."

Grigio clenched a fist. His teeth were grinding. However, it didn't last long. He managed to control himself and sighed. Shaking his head, he said, "I don't think I have any other choice."

The gray-haired man raised a hand and gave a finger gesture. All his men were ready, they walked over to Dovi with a stern expression.

D glanced slightly at the people. "All of you think that I'll just come alone, do you?"

D's cold words made them freeze. Especially when they saw something wrong in the glass window which was the background of D.

Something was creeping up on the outside glass window, a hideous creature with brown fur and black accents. Dressed in a fiery red dress, the creature looked into the room with its four completely black eyes.

"He is one of my greatest creations," Dovi said with a smile. "You could say, the monsters I supplied to your organization were still low level, far from this lady."

Grigio and all of his men were completely immobilized. Their faces looked very frustrated. Dovi then widened his smile and started walking. He stopped in front of the men in black suits, who as soon as they got Dovi's glare immediately gave him a way.

D stopped at the door. "Leave me alone or I'll take control of the monsters."

No one dared to respond. Dovi just walked away, completely ignoring the members of the mafia. He then exited the room, down a hallway, before turning at the intersection and entering the elevator. Even in the elevator, he still stands with a relaxed face. All that incident didn't seem to bother him at all.

Once on the ground floor, he walked out into the lobby of the company building. Of course, it's no ordinary company. If so, why were there mafia members inside it? The main task of the company is to become camouflage for that criminal organization activities in this country.

A guard opened the glass door for Dovi. Outside, a black luxury sedan was waiting for him. He entered that car and sat next to the driver, a woman with loose blonde hair and blue eyes.

The woman was wearing the exact same dress that was worn by the monster that had crept in the window earlier.

As soon as the woman drove the car, Dovi was covering his face with both hands. His legs trembled so much and a long sigh escaped his mouth.

"That was so scary." Dovi rambled on in a dissonant voice. Gone was the coolness and courage he had shown before the men in black suits. "They're so scary, Lexi."

The driver called Lexi chuckled. "It's your fault that you want to work with them."

Dovi took off his suit, then slumped down on the chair. He took another deep breath. "Well, they have a lot of money ... Aah, I hope they give up on bringing me back."

"No way, your monster supply is really needed by them to defeat their rivals."

Dovi laughed a little, then looked at the woman beside him. "But, I have you, Lexi. You can easily defeat them."

"Maybe so, but to do it I need a reward." Lexi glanced at Dovi, then smiled mischievously and winked. Then, she opened her dress to reveal her smooth thighs. "I want something real, Dovi. Not just the toys. I really want to feel your warmth."

Dovi smiled too. "You already know my answer, right?"

"Still don't want to?" Lexi was dumbfounded, then sighed in disappointment. "If you don't want to do it, I'll really leave you, you know."

"I'm sure you won't leave me." Dovi sneered. "I have given you the power to take revenge on the people who killed your parents. You owe me a favor. "

Lexi shook his head in disbelief. "You still like to bring up your kindness, don't you?"

"And if you leave me, I can just take your power and find someone else." Dovi wore a victorious smile.

"What a lecherous man." Lexi chuckled irritably. "How could I fall in love with you and always follow you anywhere."

"Maybe because I have the charisma?" Dovi sneered again.

"Huh, there isn't a charismatic person who looks scared like a mouse chased by a cat."