29. The Literal Sugar Daddy (2)

Evan sniffed too. And sure enough, he could smell that distinctive umami aroma. With time, the scent grew stronger. The young man then opened the door to his room and immediately faced that old man.

Wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with vertical stripes again, Jon smiled. His hands were carrying a tray containing three bowls that puffed a little smoke, and three large glasses of iced tea.

He spoke in a friendly tone, "I opened a chicken noodle stall in front of your house. I changed the recipe a little, so I brought this for you guys to test the taste."

Evan swallowed hard and was speechless. Does this mean Jon is replacing the person assigned to oversee Evan's house? In the past, that agent was not good at monitoring, but now Evan doubts if Jon can be bribed.

And then, why did Jon have to make a chicken noodle stall? The neighborhood where Evan lives is relatively quiet, and their economic level is not very high. The residents of this place prefer to cook rather than buy food, so it's really weird if suddenly there is a chicken noodle stall here.

However, if people rarely buy chicken noodles that are sold, wouldn't it be easier to keep an eye on Evan's house? There are very few disturbances.

And if you monitoring your neighbor from the window of your house, people can be suspicious. However, if Jon set up a chicken noodle stall in the yard, he could keep a closer eye on the target, and no one would suspect that the old man kept staring at Evan's house.

"I saw an interesting sight. Earlier around your house, you seemed to be chased by a gentleman with a unique appearance." Jon walked in without asking permission first. "I think it's a bit dangerous if it attracts people's attention."

Since that time in the interrogation room, Evan felt that Jon was not just anyone. And it made Evan feel very uncomfortable when that person walked into his room.

"So, can you explain why you used that power again, Evan?" Jon asked as he put the tray on the study table. "Ah, please eat it while it's still hot."

Without thinking, Evan picked up one of the bowls. He didn't want to show a depressed gesture. Better to be casual so that Jon feels like he can't be pressured.

"Well, I'm trying to bring Popo back to life. So, I activated my power so many times." Evan moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "Mimi said, I was too tired because of that, so my power was out of control, so there was a disaster."

Jon narrowed his eyes slightly and studied Evan's face. Evan stared back, wanting to show with his expression that he wasn't lying. He was deliberately honest so that Jon wouldn't suspect him. If Jon is suspicious, there are many possibilities. For example, the number of people sent to monitor Evan's house would be added. Of course, that would be troublesome.

After a while, Jon finally smiled again. "Ah, I see."

Evan didn't answer and started chopping the noodles. However, just as the noodle stuck to his tongue, he screamed with a wincer. "It's so hot!!!"

Shane, who had already taken his bowl, giggled. "Well, even though you are already being cool."

"It's so hot!!!" Kara, who had just started eating, had the same reaction as Evan.

"So ...." Jon took Evan's study chair while the others started eating. The man then pointed to Gargar who was still in the corner of the room, staring at the wall. "Why is this gentleman looking like that?"

"I do not know." Even though he was uncomfortable because he felt like he was being interrogated, Evan still answered. Once again, this was so that Jon would not be more suspicious of him. "As Mimi said, the being that I give life is formed from various elements of information in society. Maybe his hair is in the shape of cotton candy because that food made of sugar? Maybe pink is the color that shows sweetness? Once again, I do not know."

"Maybe he looks a little old because it refers to a sugar daddy?" Kara said with her mouth full.

Shane's forehead frowned. "Why do you think like that? It has nothing to do with real sugar. Are you in a relationship with a sugar daddy? "

"Shut up! Or I'll pull out your armpit hair with these chopsticks!" Kara yelled, raising the chopsticks in her hand.

Evan and Shane narrowed their eyes with suspicious expressions.

"In the past, my friend offered me to meet a potential sugar daddy!" Kara grumbled in annoyance. "I reject it! I would never go along with something like that!"

"Which friend?" Feeling very curious, Evan shifted to approach Kara, who was sitting on the floor.

"Enough! It doesn't matter! Now I want to eat in peace!"

"You guys are really very close, huh." Jon widened his smile. "Hmmm…. Now, back to this gentleman. s it possible that the element of information that made up this gentleman could also be because of a name like what Kara said? That this gentleman looks like a sugar daddy because he's made of sugar?"

Evan nodded his head at Mimi, gesturing for the cell phone girl to answer.

Mimi tilted her head slightly. Her eyes looked up, a sign that she was thinking. "Maybe. I also don't know for sure. "

Jon nodded his head. "Then what about his attitude? Why does he look so 'in love with Evan'?

Evan's mouth let out a deep sigh. The question made him even more uncomfortable. Looking at Gargar who was still in the corner of the room, Evan replied, "Again, I don't know for sure. Maybe because sugar is synonymous with affection? Birthday cakes and valentine's chocolates contain a lot of sugar, right?"

"Wow, what an interesting hypothesis." Jon got up from the chair, smiling again. "I think that's enough. I'll be home then. But first, I want to give you a little advice, Evan. I don't mind you using your powers to try to bring that potato chip girl to life. I won't report it because I think it's a minor problem. However, if it comes to giving life to another being and there is an uproar like earlier, you might be in trouble. What happened earlier I considered a minor accident, but I can't guarantee that I will remain silent if that happens again. So, you better refrain from giving life to other things."

Sipping the noodles, Evan sneered slightly and shrugged. "Fine, I don't want to be bothered by that either."

"Okay, then. When you finish eating, you can call me to get the bowls. Now, our house is close together, so you can easily call me, Evan. "

Evan's gaze lingered on Jon until the old man actually walked out of the room.

"There is a real man in black in front of Evan's house, but unfortunately it will be difficult to ask about aliens on earth," Shane complained with his mouth full. "Evan's dad also said he's been forbidden to tell a lot about it."

Evan looked at his half-filled noodle bowl. He liked the noodles because they tasted so good, but he still didn't like the maker.