30. The Literal Sugar Daddy (3)

It was very late in the afternoon. A man who was so fat was walking slowly on the sidewalk. His body was already full of sweat and his breathing was so rough. He should still be running. The running distance he targeted was still far away, but his legs seemed to have given up.

Burning those damn fats on his body turned out to be really hard.

"Shit!" He stopped, bent down, and held his aching knees. He wiped the sweat on his face several times with a small towel wrapped around his neck.

He did not understand, why people can resist the urge to eat so that their body weight can be maintained? Don't they enjoy having the food go into their mouths and chew it? Do they only eat to live?

The man shook his head, then tried to run again. If it weren't for the doctor's warning, he wouldn't have tortured himself like this. Instead of working out, it's better to finish a bucket of fried chicken or a box of pizza while watching a movie.

"Hey, Bro! It's been a while." A food truck keeper greeted the man. "Wow, are you doing exercise? How great you are! After exercising hard, you must be hungry, right? Buy my donuts. People rarely buy these lately."

Instead of staring at the food truck owner who wearing a fedora hat, the fat man looked at the window display in the truck. Many types of donuts are displayed there, with tantalizing color toppings. Not to mention the sweet and delicious aroma that he smelled. The fat man's salivary glands were triggered. He swallowed hard.

This is a fatal mistake. Earlier, he made the wrong choice by going through this route.

"Which one do you want?" The truck keeper has taken out a cardboard box. "Plain sugar, chocolate cream, or strawberry cream? Or do you want churros?"

Even though his desire to buy that sweet treats was so strong, the fat man shook his head hard. He can't go on like this. The doctor said that the risk of various diseases had lurked in his overweight body.

"Another time!" The man grunted, then continued his run. "I'm on a diet, you know!"

"Hey, I'll give you a discount!" The food truck man screamed. "Please, you are my most loyal customer!"

The fat man didn't look back at all. He was determined to change. There are still two weeks until the cheating day. He just has to wait before he can eat whatever he likes.

Just turning at an intersection, he was intercepted by a figure wearing a gray hooded robe. The fat man gasped violently because he was so surprised to meet a figure with a face that could not be seen because it was covered in darkness.

"What are you doing!? You startled me, you know! " The fat man bent over while clutching his left chest, where his heart was beating fast. "Don't prank people like that! You can make people suffer a heart attack!"

"Not being able to enjoy whatever you like makes you very tormented, right?" The figure spoke in a deep, buzzing voice.

"Huh?" The fat man straightened his body. "What do you mean?"

Suddenly the robed figure was so close to the fat man. The robed figure's left hand then held the fat man's head. The fat man could only glare at the gray hands which were covered in slimy scales, and decorated with dark red nails.

"I will help you to eat whatever you like."


"Let's hang out!" Evan typed in the chat group which only consisted of himself, Shane, and Kara.

A few seconds later, Shane replied, "I can't. I promised my online friends to fight a boss in an online game."

"I'm out with my girl friends." Kara joined in.

"Huh, since when did you have girl friends, Kara?" Evan typed.

Kara just replied with a boxing glove emoticon.

Taking a deep breath, Evan rose from his chair and threw himself onto the bed. After days of locking himself up in his room, he was really bored now. The young man just wanted to hang out to change his mood.

He then checked the group containing male friends from the same year. The group has already displayed several photos showing them traveling in several cars. They indeed had already planned to go to tourist attractions together.

"Shit! I should have come with you guys! " Evan wrote down his grunts in the group.

"It's your fault not to respond to our invitation. In fact, we've asked you several times."

"Huh, he's not one of us. He's not single. He has Kara. He should be spending all his time with that girl, right? Why does he even want to come with us! He's very suspicious."

Evan chuckled irritably and wrote a reply. "How many times have I told you that Kara isn't my girlfriend, you bastard? Do I have to put up a big billboard telling you guys that Kara and I are not dating? Shall I prostrate in front of you naked for you to believe that?"

Evan's words were met with lots of laughing emojis, dirty curses, and doubtful questions. Evan then threw the phone against the corner of the bed, feeling really annoyed.

"Ah, sorry Mimi." Evan just remembered that his cellphone is alive.

"No problem, Master. It's still in bed. " Mimi's voice came from Evan's cellphone.

Hearing that sound that was actually pleasant for his ears, Evan thought that maybe it was okay to hang out alone with Mimi. It must be nice to hang out with a girl as attractive as that cellphone girl.

"Aah…" Evan looked at Gargar who was still in the corner of the room. Should Gargar be left behind? If he took Gargar to hang out too, people would look on in amazement. Evan would be very embarrassed.

Besides, Evan felt that Gargar would misunderstand if that sugar guy really was invited. Gargar would think that Evan loved him too. That would be very troublesome.

"Hey, Gargar," Evan called the sugar guy. "Aren't you tired of sitting there all the time?"

Gargar's body trembled slightly. "Please don't talk to me, Master. Your voice is like a calling to hug and kiss you."

Evan got goosebumps again. He regretted asking such a question.

"Sir, there is important news." Still in her cellphone from, Mimi said in a worried tone. "Shane sent a news link about another monster appearance."

Evan's heart immediately skipped a beat. He grabbed that cellphone in a hurry. As soon as he opened the news link from Shane, Evan held his breath.


Yes, that's the headline. Evan gawked and started checking the source of the news. Valid. The news comes from a trusted site. It's not the first of April either, so it's not a joke.

Even so, Evan kept checking other news portals. The longer he searched, the more convinced he became that there really were monsters that ate everything. In fact, he also found some videos of that monster.

One message came in. It's from Kara.

"There are monsters, Evan. Will you and Gargar fight it?" Kara's sentence ended with a worried emoticon.

Slowly, Evan turned to Gargar, who was still sitting in the corner while staring at the wall.