32. Women in Skimpy Sheep Costumes

Two soldiers knelt on the roof of a shop building. One of them carried a bazooka on his shoulder, while the other carried a large machine gun. They, along with other members who were scattered around, aimed at a pile of groceries in the middle of an intersection. The pile consisted of various types of bread, fruit, and canned food which was just spilled over, making it look like a chaotic pile of trash.

"It's fucking ridiculous." The first soldier, who was carrying a bazooka, said. "I feel stupid having to keep an eye on something like that."

The second soldier with a large machine gun laughed. "Well, the top said this method would most likely incapacitate him. The police and some of our friends can't beat that monster in normal ways."

"But, this is too much." The first soldier chuckled in annoyance. "They even set up tanks and combat helicopters! Isn't that crazy!? We're just fighting one monster that just eats greedily, right!?"

"Yes, right now the monster's damage is insignificant. There have not been any casualties either, only injuries. But, if that monster is not stopped immediately, he might eat up all of our food supplies. That would be very troublesome."

"But still, this isn't a remote place! There are still many buildings here! Maybe we'll do the damage instead! "

The second soldier snorted. He started to look annoyed. "Earlier we were told, right! The monster had been lured with food pulled by a car, but he still managed to catch it! We're having a hard time directing him to a remote place! If you want to grumble like a bitch, you better just quit this mission!"

The first soldier frowned. Then the two of them glanced up because they heard something from a distance: the sound of heavy, echoing footsteps.

They then got ready with their respective weapons. Not long after, the round-bodied monster appeared, still with a mouth that was drooling. His size was now much larger than before, perhaps nearly seven meters high.

"Food! That's my food!!!" The monster exclaimed in such a deep voice, walking towards the pile of food at the intersection.

"Fire!!!" A voice command was heard from a loudspeaker.

The two soldiers on top of the building fired their respective weapons, along with other shots from various directions. There was even a thump from the tanks that were deployed.

The monster roared loudly and was helpless under the attacks. His body was continuously hit by explosions and lots of bullets. Until finally, with his body on fire, he collapsed onto the street, causing a loud thud.

"Did we succeed?" The first soldier on top of the building asked.

The monster continued to lie down with its body burning in flames. However, not long after, he got up slowly. "I am angry!!! I just want to eat!!! Why are you preventing me from eating!? "


Time has passed so long, but Evan still opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling of his room.

"Mimi, are you still awake?" Finally, the man asked.

"You haven't slept yet, Master?" Mimi answered from above the table, in the shape of the cell phone. "As I said before, I don't need sleep and will stay awake like a normal cell phone."

The young man got up and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Gargar who sat leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.

Sighing, Evan got up and walked out of the room. He still wasn't used to Gargar's unique appearance.

Arriving in the kitchen, he found his father sitting in a chair. That old man's hands were holding a mug on the dining table.

"Can't sleep yet, Evan?" Tony asked softly.

"Yes." Evan shrugged, took a carton of milk from the refrigerator, and then grabbed a small pot from near the sink.

"Is it because of what is happening now? Because of that rampaging monster?"

Evan didn't answer right away. He poured milk into the small pot and began to warm it on the stove, and then said, "Maybe."

The young man had thought that his father would advise him on heroism. That he should still help even though the authorities admit that they can control the situation.

That's because he really has the power to help.

However, this is his father, a man who likes to prank and speak unexpected words.

"I think your decision is right!" Tony exclaimed while giving Evan a thumbs up. "I'll be in trouble if you get hurt!"

Sighing softly, Evan returned the milk box in his hand to the refrigerator. "Not because you are sad, but you feel troubled, huh?"

"If I'm sad, isn't that troublesome?"

Evan shook his head at the nonsense words from his father. It's useless asking what that means. He might even get more annoyed.

"I am serious. We better stay away from things like that. You want an ordinary life, right? " Tony continued, then took a sip of the drink from his mug.

"You say as if you've experienced it yourself." Stood in front of the stove, Evan staring at the white milk which he was heating in a small pot.

Tony chuckled a little. "Do you think saving you and your brother doesn't bother me? I had to escape to this desolate planet to hide two bastards like you, even though I can live a better life in my world."

"Oh, I see." Evan lowered his head. He tried to ignore his father's words, which seemed to say that he and Dovi were just burdens. He was sure his father wasn't serious about that. "I do think it's a good decision, Dad. I won't get hurt and I won't be troubled .... But, why can't I sleep now and keep thinking about the people who fought against that monster, Dad?"

The son and father were silent. The sound that could be heard in the room only came from the stove. The silence lasted for a while until finally, Tony opened his mouth. "Drink that milk, Son. Surely you will be able to sleep. If you still can't, you just have to watch a video of sexy women wearing skimpy sheep costumes lined up jumping up and down. I'll send the link later. I guarantee if you count the hot women in the video, you will fall asleep."

"What the... Where did you get such an absurd video, Dad? And is it appropriate for a parent like you to give such a perverted thing to your son? " Evan was stunned by his father's miraculous answer.

Tony shrugged and smiled knowingly. "Even though we are not blood-related, my perverted nature has been passed on to you, Son. You can't deny it."

Evan couldn't argue at all because it was true. However, his father's words still annoyed him. Instead of giving advice not to overthink, this old man gave an absurd suggestion.

"Ah, it would be great if you watched it on the laptop while lying on Mimi's thigh. Surely you will sleep sooner." Tony took another sip of his drink.

Evan sighed. Indeed, he thought his father's advice was a good idea. Mimi is unlikely to refuse. However, once again, suggestions like that only irritated him even more. Now, he needed serious advice.

The young man turned off the stove in a slightly aggressive motion with annoyance. "Mimi can get tired if I sleep on her thighs all night. Besides, my battered laptop must be connected to my cellphone to connect to the internet. I have to plug the USB cable into her female part ...."

Tony got up from the chair with more aggressive movements. "That's good, right!? You ...."

"Master ...."

It was Mimi's voice. Evan and Tony looked at the cell phone girl, who had just appeared in the kitchen with a worried look.

"What's the matter, Mimi?" Evan asked.

Mimi stared fixedly at her master. It took a few seconds for the cell phone girl to answer. "Mr. Jon called you."

Evan's heart rate immediately went up. His eyes slowly widened. A question immediately popped into his head. Are the authorities overwhelmed, so they ask for help from him?

"What can I say." Tony took another sip of his drink. "If the government has asked you, you can do nothing, except obey them. Good luck there, Evan."

Evan snorted. He became more and more annoyed with his father.