53. It was Hot, but It wasn't Summer (3)

Kara raced her colorful motorbike so fast, repeatedly avoiding obstacles. Earlier on the day, she even went down the high stairs to take a shortcut. She was really riding the bike like crazy and without fear. Shane who sat at the back could only cower in fear. He clung to Kara's stomach tightly.

"Are we there yet, Shane!?" Kara exclaimed while looking left and right. "Many buildings have been burned."

"How the hell I would know!" Shane grumbled in a squeaky mouse-like voice. He didn't look around because he buried his face in Kara's back.

Kara dodges a burning car, then turns at an intersection. She stopped the motorbike so suddenly until the rear wheel lifted, making Shane's body jolt and nearly fell.

"Are you insane!?" Shane grumbled again. "You want to kill me, huh!?"

The girl took off her helmet and got off the bike. Covering her mouth with hands, she walked over to Evan, who was dragging Bob down the middle of the road.

"Kara? Why are you here?" Evan raised his eyebrows.

"Mr. Bob!" Instead of asking how Evan was, Kara knelt next to the sharp-eyed man and examined him. "Ooh, poor you, Mr. Bob."

Evan took his hand away from Bob. Kara was putting Bob's head down on her lap. Evan watched the scene with an almost expressionless face.

The young man wanted to return Bob near the blast.

"Pull yourself together, mate." Shane handed the small fan in his hand to Evan.

Evan turned to look at Shane, then accepted the fan. His face was still expressionless.

"What's wrong with your cheek?" Shane pointer at Evan's left cheek, which was still red.

"I got slapped by a special forces member," Evan answered flatly.

"Why ..." Shane winced and covered his mouth with hands, then moved a little away from there to vomit uncontrollably.

"Are you all right, Shane?" Evan asked in a more flat tone.

Shane gave him a thumbs up but immediately threw up again.

Evan then looked at Kara, who was now rubbing Bob's head. The young man immediately looked away with a feeling of obstruction.

But, he can't be like this.

Shaking his head, Evan tried to focus again. Now is not the time to be jealous or let negative thoughts get in the way. He still has an important mission to carry out.

The sound of explosions could still be heard, but the whir of the bullets had already disappeared.

Trying not to check on Kara and Bob again, Evan walked away. He focused his thoughts on his right hand. That hand and the fan he was holding began to give off a white light.

Starting to feel the heat in his hands, Evan put the fan on the asphalt and took a few steps back. Like other objects he had given life to, the light of that electronic fan grew brighter and brighter.

Then, a few seconds later, the light dimmed. The small electronic fan had been replaced by a figure shaped like a woman kneeling and looking down

"My name is Fafa." Said the figure with curly light blue hair that reached the neck. She got up, making her slender body even more visible. She wore tight clothes that were almost the same as the one Mimi wore. However, what Fafa was wearing was not a leotard, but a shiny white full bodysuit with light blue accents. It's the same color as Evan's electronic fan.

"Wow." Shane stared in amazement. "Finally, you made a hot chick again, Evan."

Fafa started walking toward her master.

Having gasped because of Fafa's beautiful face, Evan tried to focus again. "Nice to meet you, Fafa. I need your help .... Sorry, we are in a precarious situation, so ...."

Evan stopped talking because Fafa was standing so close to him. The tip of Evan's nose was only inches from that girl's chin.

Confused, Evan looked up slightly to stare at the face of that taller girl.

And suddenly, Fafa's left hand landed hard on Evan's right cheek.

"Ouch!" The slap was so hard that Evan staggered backward. He cursed while holding his right cheek which was now also red, hot, and felt so sore. "Holy shit! Fuck! Shitballs! Thundercunt! What was my dream last night!? How could my cheeks be slapped on the same day!?"

"You deserve it," Fafa said in a cold tone.

"Are you fucking insane!? I deserved it!? For what!?"

"I won't be able to forget the super ugly sights you often show me, Master." Fafa hissed. Her gaze sharpened and her hands were clenched tightly. The veins on her neck were bulging, a sign that her anger was unbearable.

"What?" Evan gasped, then his eyes started to widen. He squeezed his head. "Ooh, shit ..."

"You love spicy food, Master."

Evan clasped his hands together with a pleading expression. "Please, don't tell them, Fafa. Please ...."

"And after eating spicy food, you always forget to wash your hands! Then, you hold your cock, either to masturbate or pee!" Fafa cut off her master's words. "Therefore, you used me to cool your dick! You took off your pants and thrust your cock at me to get the wind!!! I won't forget how ugly your dick was!!! The sight traumatized me, you know!!!"

Evan knelt down, then pressed his palms against the asphalt. Now, he felt so humiliated. If there is a hole that leads to the core of the earth, he will enter it with pleasure.

"Even I can't laugh, Evan," Shane said sarcastically. "How can you just show your male part to a woman as elegant as her? Are you an exhibitionist?"

"Before this, how did I know that she was a girl, fucktard!" Evan snapped in a voice like he was about to cry.

"Never mind, there is no point in regretting it! You better apologize to Fafa!" Kara replied in an equally cynical tone. "But, after this, I will punish you so hard!"

"Like I said, I didn't know that she was a fucking girl!" Evan sounded so desperate. "You want to punish me for what!?"

"Because you are a pervert then!"

"Pervert!? You want to punish me for masturbating!? Things like that are commonplace for single men, Kara! It's not a crime! In the law, there is no prohibition against masturbating, as long as you don't do it in public!"

"Then, I'll beat you because you are so dirty! How can you not wash your hands after eating!?"

"You just want to hurt me, do you!?"

"How long are you going to rant like an idiot, Evan?"

Everyone turned to the source of that male voice, only a few meters from where Fafa was standing. Over there, the squad leader was standing in tattered clothes, with hair half-shaved from the burn, and face blackened with soot. He looked so tired and desperate.

"Looks like you've given life to one more being, Evan." He laughed wryly. "So, don't just sit there like that. Bring up your ass and your partner's ass to fight that crazy monster."