52. It was Hot, but It wasn't Summer (2)

There was another thud and it was much louder. The cracks on the asphalt are getting bigger. The monster managed to shift his body, causing Loblob's elbow to only hit the asphalt.

And now, Loblob twitched violently while screaming in pain and holding his elbow, while the monster was still trying to get up.

Evan patted his forehead. He could not understand why Loblob would make such a self-destructive attack.

"Do you like professional wrestling?" This is the voice of one of the squad members near Evan, besides Bob. "That's one hundred percent professional wrestling moves! Including his exaggerated twitching!"

Evan grimaced and shook his head at that squad member. "I only know a little about pro wrestling, and that's more about the memes."

The squad member sighed in disappointment. "I thought you liked it. I really love professional wrestling. But, in my squad, nobody likes it, so I don't have friends to chat about it."

Evan just nodded stiffly.

"Aah, and that explains why he's wearing that absurd lobster hat." The squad member continued.

Meanwhile, the fight wasn't over. The monster and Loblob are still trying to get up with full struggle.

"Arrrrggggghhhh!!!" Loblob shouted again, then jumped up and did a dropkick with his two legs to the enemy's chest.

The monster was bounced and his back hit the burning car. Then he fell down.

Without wasting time, Loblob approached the monster and forced her to stand up. The lobster man gave punch after punch to the monster's stomach. The monster couldn't fight back and could only retreat until her back was pressed against a big lamppost.

Now, the monster was standing while leaning against the lamppost. She looked so limp and didn't move an inch.

Instead of continuing his attack, Loblob walked backward. His steps were very unsteady, his breathing was so wild. That means, her condition was very bad.

And then, Loblob ran very fast towards the monster.

"Heeeaaaaa!!!" He shouted for the umpteenth time and tackled the monster's stomach very hard. Because of the intensity of the attack, the lamppost that the monster was leaning on fell backward with a loud sound.

The squad member who likes pro wrestling immediately jumped for joy. "Holy shit! Holy shit! This is so amazing! This is awesome!"

Evan and Bob were just silent watching the behavior of that squad member who kept jumping up and down like a little kid. He stopped when his helmet was hit by a rock that the squad leader had thrown. The squad leader glared and that particular member immediately crouched down in his original position, with the muzzle of his rifle aimed at the monster.

Getting up again, Loblob choked his opponent's neck with his hands. The lobster man had a cruel expression on his face. He forced the monster to stand up for a second time.

"Your story will end here." The lobster man hissed in the face of his opponent.

Evan held his breath.

Right after saying that, Loblob's body started to emit white light.

The lobster man's eyes immediately widened. He removed his hands from the monster's neck, then staggered back, examining his hands.

The light from the lobster man's body, which was originally dim, gradually grew brighter. The monster just stared at Loblob while trying to get up.

Evan's heartbeat began to rise. His body was trembling. His grip on the gun grew tighter.

"Fuck." Loblob turned to his master. The light from his body was now so bright and so blinding, that Evan couldn't see the lobster man.

"Focus on the gun, Evan!" Bob ordered and started firing with his rifle.

The sound of bullet shots began to be heard from various directions. The squad members have started attacking.

Evan immediately focused his attention on the gun in his hand. However, no light came out. He cursed himself who was still wearing the gloves. The young man quickly took off his glove on his right hand, but because he was stuttering, he dropped the gun onto the asphalt instead.

"Shit!" Evan was about to grab the gun, but suddenly he felt the back of his shirt being pulled.

And one second later, there was a huge explosion.

Evan's body was pushed by the force of the blast. He was catapulted and fell down with Bob. Just now, the monster shoots a fireball at the car where Evan and Bob were hiding. Fortunately, Bob still managed to run while pulling Evan's shirt.

Evan grimaced. His whole body ached. His ears were ringing and he couldn't hear clearly. Coughing, he checked on Bob who was a few yards away.

"Bob!?" The young man called loudly.

The sharp-eyed man did not respond. His helmet fell off and his head was shedding fresh blood.

Evan forced himself to get up and walk over to Bob. His legs felt so heavy, but he knew that if he stopped now, it would all be over.

"Bob! Bob! Wake up, Bob!" Kneeling, Evan shook that man's body, but he got no response at all. Bob still closed his eyes, as if he were sleeping.

Evan looked back, about to ask for help, but all he saw was chaos. His ears can now hear more clearly. The sound of bullets being fired continued to shout, accompanied by explosions from the monster attacks. Some members of the troops fell and some ran around in a panic because their clothes were on fire.

The only reason they haven't been completely defeated is because the monster throws fireballs carelessly, like a cranky child throwing his toys around. So, many fireballs missed the target.

Evan looked around for his gun or whatever he could give life to. However, he didn't find anything. All that was around him were burning objects. Even the rifle used by Bob was nowhere to be seen. Maybe Evan's gun and Bob's rifle were blown away by the impact of the blast.

"Please throw one of your weapons to me!!!" Evan shouted as hard as he could to the squad, but no one heard him. They were too busy fighting the monster.

Should he run to them then?

The young man looked at Bob's face.

Or would it be better if he hid first to think up a strategy?

For a moment's thought, Evan took the second option. He pulled Bob's body away to a safer place.

It would be very risky to just run into the middle of a battle. He might even get hit by the monster's fireball.

"I'll burn you all!!!" The monster's loud roar could be heard.