55. It was Hot, but It wasn't Summer (5)

Evan kept thinking hard, while Fafa kept blowing the monster. Seeing the embers on the monster's body getting brighter and brighter, Evan knew he had to find a solution fast.

There is no object that can extinguish the fire around that location. Do they need to take the monster somewhere to put her out?

Evan's eyes watched Fafa's feet move forward little by little, then he watched the feet of the monsters which kept going back one step at a time.

It can be done.

Evan looked at the squad leader. "Water, sir! Is there a place with a lot of water around here!? It doesn't have to be anywhere near here, though! But not too far either ... I mean ... Argh! Why are my words became so messed up!?"

"I know what do you mean." The squad leader immediately looked to the right and left. "But, I don't know if a place like that is around here."

Evan started fumbling with his clothes. "Shit! I forgot to bring my cell phone!"

"My radio communication device is also lost somewhere." The squad leader shrugged.

Evan got up to go over to Shane to borrow his best friend's cell phone, but he immediately knelt down again, grimacing in pain and holding his crotch. "Arghhh! Come on, please cooperate with me, my dear cock!"

"You're looking for this, right?" Suddenly, Shane was standing nearby and holding out Evan's cell phone.

Evan's eyes widened at the sight of his communication device.

"Thank you very much, Shane! You are an extraordinary friend, even though you are super pervert!" Evan immediately grabbed that cell phone.

Shane snorted. "You're a pervert too."

Instead of immediately using the cellphone, Evan froze. He remembered something.

"Where's Kara?" Evan asked with an expressionless face.

"Is this a good time to ask questions like that?"

"You're right." Trying to refocus, Evan yelled at his cell phone. "Mimi, find a place with lots of water!"

"Yes, Master!" In just a few seconds, Evan's cellphone screen displays a series of road maps. There is a point which indicates a location. "This is the place, Master! There's a swimming pool 502 meters from here! From the news I've gathered, there hasn't been a fire in that place!"

"Ok, let's go." Evan tried to ignore the stinging pain in his male part. He forced himself to get up and started walking.

"You know what, mate?" Shane spat out carelessly. "If it is accompanied by magnificent music, this scene when you are trying to stand up will look epic, as if you are struggling to get up in an extraordinary battle, when in fact your dick has just been beaten and you find it difficult to stand on your two legs."

With stiff movements, Evan turned to his friend, the corner of his mouth twitching. "Shut up, you douchebag, sleazeball, stinkhole, and good-for-nothing degenerate!"

The squad leader folded his arms across his chest. "Well, you know a lot of unique swear words, don't you?"

"Aah, I apologize, Sir. I once read an article on swearing variations. It took a few hours for me to read all about the swearing. " Evan explained as he started walking limply and still clutching his crotch. He groped his male part carefully and breathed a sigh of relief when he knew he still had two testicles.

Shane started walking along and shrugged at the squad leader. "There it is, sir. My friend is a very unusual man."

"Fafa, there's a swimming pool about half a kilometer from here! You must take him there! Turn right at the next intersection!" Evan exclaimed very loudly.

The electronic fan girl did not answer. She amplified her blast from her mouth, making it even more difficult for the monster to keep standing.

Even so, the monster only moved a few inches back. She was not a feather that could be flown easily.

Evan sighed. He could already guess that all this would last a long time.

"Can't we call the fire department instead?" Evan asked in a desperate tone. "How about we just spray that damn monster with water? After all, his movements have been blocked and he won't be able to attack."

The squad leader paused for a moment to think, then said. "I think we better take him to the pool anyway. Let the resources of the fire department be mobilized to extinguish the fires in this area so that the damage does not spread."

"You are the leader. The decision is all yours, sir. " Evan's tone grew weaker. He chose to obey the decisions of someone who was clearly more experienced. The young man then spoke again to his cell phone. "Mimi, notify the fire department…. No…. Tell Mr. Jon that things are getting better around here. If a stranger like you told the fire department, they probably wouldn't believe it. Mr. Jon clearly knows a fast way to deploy the firefighters …. Aah, tell him too that we are herding this monster into that swimming pool. "

"Do you know that old man well?" The squad leader asked in a cold tone. "Honestly, I feel uncomfortable around him. You know he admits that he's in a government organization that deals with aliens and other unknown threats, right? However, have you ever heard of the organization's name?"

Evan could only shake his head.

"That's very suspicious, right? There is something even stranger, the top party in my unit commands all the members to obey all his orders. They said that they had orders from a higher party." The squad leader continued. "And I just found out that Bob is Jon's man. He was assigned to monitor whether there are aliens in my unit or not. You also know he wasn't in my squad before, right? He was transferred to be my subordinate because my squad was appointed to deal with problems like this…. How do I say it? The presence of Bob made the atmosphere of my squad not like it used to be. We felt that we were being watched too much."

"May I ask, sir?" Shane slightly approached the squad leader. "Why doesn't the government create a special force to deal with possible attacks from aliens or other unknown threats like this?"

"Apart from general training, we were actually trained in dealing with situations against aliens, the supernatural phenomenon, or unknown threats in general. Instead of creating a department to deal with such situations, the higher-ups think it would be better if most of the military personnel and the police were trained to deal with situations like that so that we could be mobilized in large numbers to fight something massive. However, we always took that training as a joke. Well, before this, an alien attack or the like didn't exist. At most, there are rumors that an overseas mafia sends a monster squad to fight against the mafia in this country, but that can't be proven…." The squad leader stopped his words and looked at Shane with a squint.

"Hmmm …. I've read articles about training like that in the police and military, but people think it's a hoax." Evan nodded his head.

"By the way, who are you and why am I talking to you?" Still staring at Shane, the squad leader frowned.

Shane also frowned. "How do I know, sir?"

"He's my friend, sir. He's Shane. He already knows a lot and can be trusted, really. He won't reveal anything. " Evan chimed in.

Shane grimaced.

The squad leader scratched his half-bald head. "It must be because of this shitty situation, I can't think clearly, so I blurted out."