56. It was Hot, but It wasn't Summer (6)

The leaves and trashes were flying in various directions. The sound of the wind continued to howl loudly. The monster is still desperately surviving the fierce blast of his enemy. She kept trying to hold on to whatever she could reach, but it was useless. A gust of wind from Fafa's mouth pushed her back continuously.

"You bitch! Fight me seriously! Don't be a coward and hide behind your power!" After saying such things, the monster fell backward.

Meanwhile, the squad leader just came out of the clothing store with Evan and Shane. They had started to reach areas where there were no fires. Even though the atmosphere was quiet because the people there had fled, the squad leader decided to remain careful. Maybe there are still people in that place who did not evacuate. It's bad if they record Evan and the squad leader who are still wearing special forces clothes. It can go viral and attract attention.

Just now, the squad leader and Evan took ordinary clothes from the clothing shop, which was not attended by anyone. The squad leader assured Evan that later the upper party would take care of the cost of their new clothes.

"Can you guess when this is over?" The squad leader adjusted the position of the hat he wore. The hat was also used for disguise.

While struggling to remove the brand tag on his shirt, Evan answered. He uses a slayer to cover his mouth. "I don't know, sir. My previous partner defeated the giant round monster in a matter of hours."

"Is that a convenience store?" Shane, who was covering his head with a hoodie, pointed to a convenience store that was a few meters ahead of them. "How about we buy drinks and snacks so we don't get too bored?"

"Buy me a low sugar blueberry yogurt drink and get a scissor or cutter then. This damn shirt tag is so hard to remove." Evan made a request.

The squad leader shook his head in astonishment. "How can you want to snack at a time like this?"

"Aren't you thirsty?" Evan asked.

After being silent for a few seconds, the squad leader finally asked, "Just one isotonic drink. The brand is up to you."

After giving a thumbs up, Shane ran to that convenience store.

"Kara told us that she and Bob are fine, Master." Mimi's voice came from Evan's cellphone.

Evan chose not to pay attention to that info and tried to stay focused on what was happening in front of him instead.

"Women are always attracted to men in handsome uniforms." The squad leader grinned. "Maybe you are interested in becoming an officer like me and my men? I guarantee you. You will definitely get a nice woman. My wife is pretty. The wife or girlfriend of my subordinates is also pretty."

After saying something like that, the squad leader burst out laughing.

If the person who said that was Shane, Evan would have cursed. The squad leader's words made his mood go downhill.

"I'm kidding. That's not the reason we become officers, really. " The squad leader ruffled Evan's hair. "Well, at least I didn't do this job because I wanted to get a hot girl. As for the others, I don't know their reasons at all and I don't care. The important thing is, they can do the job."

"Whatever their reasons, I am sure your men always carry out their duties properly and with integrity, sir." Evan smiled wryly.

"But, aren't you thinking about a career as a police officer or joining the military? You don't have much experience yet, so you are still nervous sometimes. I'm sure, after a lot of training, you will definitely become a good soldier or officer. I think your way of thinking is actually quite sharp. That would be a plus if you become officer."

Evan laughed to himself. "Thank you for the compliment, sir. But, I guess doing work like yours is bound to run into unusual events, right?"

The squad leader's forehead frowned. "Of course. There are lots of extraordinary shits that we've been in, but that's where the challenge is."

"It's not for me, then. I just want to live an ordinary life, sir." Evan sighed in a tired tone. "After all of this is over, I want to focus on finishing college and getting an office job."

"Well, it's up to you, anyway." The squad leader shrugged. "But, it's a shame if you don't develop your potential to the fullest."

Evan chose not to respond further. This conversation made him uncomfortable.

Shane came out of the convenience store carrying a small plastic bag. The young man jogged towards the squad leader and Evan, who was still walking behind Fafa in the distance.

"The owner is still at there. I wonder why he is still desperate to sell even though the others have fled because of the fire." Shane said while giving the items requested by Evan and the squad leader. Then, he took out a plastic bag filled with colorful food.

"Gummy Candy?" Evan was amazed to see the jelly candy bag that Shane was opening. "Why did you buy that? We're not kids anymore."

"You should know the reason why I bought this." Shane handed that bag of candy to Evan and the squad leader, then put a yellow bear-shaped gummy candy in his mouth.

Evan wanted to ask more, but he immediately realized something. Picking up one red gummy, he said. "But, you can buy chocolate or mint candy, right?"

Of course, Evan didn't want to eat chips or similar snacks. Food like that will only remind him of Popo.

"I'm in a hurry, so I didn't have time to choose ...." Shane was dumbfounded as the leader of the squad scooped up a lot of gummy candy and eat it all at once.

With cheeks puffed up from the candy he chewed on, the man gave Evan and Shane a quick glance, then pointed forward. "We'll be there soon."

Evan and Shane stared ahead. The swimming pool building was already visible only a few meters from them. Evan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he saw something unusual about Fafa. The gust of wind from Fafa's mouth was still strong, but her footsteps began to look unsteady. The electronic fan girl's body also started to tremble.

"You saw it too, right, Evan?" The squad leader asked in a serious tone. He had already swallowed all the candies he had eaten. "We can only pray that Fafa can reach the finish line."

Evan couldn't say a word.