58. The Author Just Wanted a Different Title

"Karaaa!!!" Shane knelt beside his friend who was still lying down. "Kara, are you okay!? I saw you jump out of the car like a Hollywood stuntman! Are you insane!?"

"Shane?" Kara babbled with her eyes almost closed. "My motorbike caught fire, so I used someone else's car whose keys were still hanging ... Mr. Bob was being taken care of by other members of the special forces ...."

"This isn't the time to explain things like that!" Shane took out his cell phone. "I'll call an ambulance!"

The reddish-haired girl groaned in pain. "It hurts so much... My left groin hurts a lot .... Maybe a broken collarbone. My right hand also seems to be broken. My head is very dizzy, my vision is blurry, and everything looks dazzled, Shane."

"Holy shit! That sounds very terrible!" Shane, who was too nervous, dropped his cellphone when he was about to try to contact the paramedics.