190. No More Doppelgangers

Olivia was still ducking in the bushes, waiting for the others to return, hiding in case someone attacked her. However, she actually wasn't sure anyone would attack her. She already felt that she had no close people. The feelings for someone in her heart have also been buried tightly.

She didn't want to be close to people because she used to be able to see their future.

Now, that predictive power had been wiped out, and now it made her feel useless. She couldn't help the others at all. She was just a burden, and it bothered her a lot. The girl also felt that she was no longer a threat to Griovante. So, why was he also in this imaginary world?

"Hey, you're pooping, huh?"

Those words made Olivia flinch and look back. "Evan! You startled me!"