John Controlling the City

"First of November, 2021, 4.27 PM and 16 seconds.

"You stopped at the farmer's market on East Yashimoto Road.

"A black Volkswagen Passat is parked beside you.

"Same day, 4.27 PM and 39 seconds.

"You bend down and get into the car.

"Same day, 4.39 PM and 12 seconds.

"Turn the car around and drive along the established route."

John sat in the car and glanced at the Foresee in front of him.

Then, he closed his eyes.

At this critical moment.

Every time John appeared, he would set different goals in Foresee.

This would allow him to find a slightly glimmering balance path when he was surrounded by dark clouds now.

It was like walking on a steel wire high in the sky.

The slightest mistake could result in death.

His fingertips tapped lightly on the void in front of him.

He reviewed it in his mind again and again.

His meeting with the higher-up of the official shadow department, Ezreal.