John's Rage

Owain City, the underground circle.

There were all kinds of people.

Too much real and fake news was spreading.

Huadu District, an ordinary new neighborhood, a ten-story residential building.

The lights were warm and different people were busy with different things.

In front of the rows of computer screens in the room, Salefani's expression was cautious.

She was like a rookie who had just entered the Internet world for the first time.

After all, the overlords of the Shadow World had ruthlessly and easily hacked into Salefani's system.

Then, they gave a seemingly polite but actually stiff invitation to John.

This had left an indelible impression on Salefani.

A deep sense of powerlessness was constantly wearing away Salefani's enthusiasm.

She took a few deep breaths of fresh air.

Salefani began to work.

Lines of codes began to appear on her fingertips.