Lord Jack's past


"I'm sorry! But, you shouldn't have to do something like this! I won't get hurt just because of a weapon from the Human Realm," I said, bandaging the wound with a piece of cloth from my robe. Actually, it's also a shame to have to tear this luxurious robe of mine.

I wanted to use healing magic to heal the man's wounds, but of course the human would be suspicious of me. So, I'll act like an ordinary human, even though I'm actually a very powerful God.

"Are all humans this careless?" I muttered.

The man was silent, as if he was thinking about something.

"You're not human, huh?" he asked, laughing as if mockingly.

"I am a God. The strongest God in the Three Realms!" I replied curtly.

The man just looked at me with a strange look. Why is he this?

"Lao Wu! Where are you? Lao Wu!!"

The voice came from the top of the hill. It was far enough that we fell. Maybe the depth where I am currently is about 50 meters from the top of the hill.

"I'm here, Xiao Li!"