Doctor's Diagnosis

"You still have me, Papa, Lian Jiejie and others, A-Feng. You're not alone, My Little Brother. My birth mother also died long ago even when I was 10 years old." Yushen spoke.

Yushen patted Sifeng on the cheek a few times. Yushen really couldn't bear to see Sifeng slumped like that. So, Yushen wanted to protect his little brother even more.

"I can't be okay like you, Yu Gege. I feel like I'm useless in this world. In fact, my birth mother doesn't want me to exist," Sifeng said. Sifeng closed his eyes. His eyes stung from holding back the tears from falling.

Yushen pulled his brother's head against his broad chest. Yushen gently stroked Sifeng's head. Looks like they haven't been this close in a long time. Needless to say, Yushen actually misses Sifeng too. They have been fighting for almost a month and have not spoken to each other. Yushen is sick, and Sifeng is hiding somewhere.