Chaos in Gefroren City

"Hey, what is this?!" Yushen shouted.

"I missed you, Yu Gege." Sifeng said softly, right in his brother's ear.

"Are you stupid, A-Feng! Let me go, you idiot! Can't you see all eyes are watching us, you idiot?" Yushen snapped, still trying to escape Sifeng's embrace.

"Let go of me, you idiot!" Yushen shouted back.

"Hahaha ... I don't care what people think, Gege. I really miss you, My Brother." Sifeng spoke.

Yushen gradually became more and more uncomfortable. Yushen smiled and nudged his sister's stomach very hard.

Suddenly Sifeng screamed in pain and took a few steps back.

"Assshh, you're always mean to me, Gege!" shrieked Sifeng, pressing down on his aching stomach.

Yushen just smiled faintly and walked leisurely away from Sifeng.

Sifeng ran after Yushen and walked parallel to his brother.

"You don't miss me, huh?" asked Sifeng, pitifully.

Yushen smiled again, as if he didn't care what Sifeng said at this point.