Prince of Fotia

-Kingdom of Fotia-

Prince Zarius prefers that all the Gods live in peace and the Kings rule their respective territories according to the division of their ancestors.

According to the story Zarius read in the library about the God Realm, Zarius knew that once upon a time all these realms lived in peace. However, it was because of his father that everything became chaotic. Because of King Feu'er's greed, because of his now-decided ambition towards his younger brother, Felius.

Zarius regretted the cruel actions of his father and sister. If only he could have warned the two of them, Zarius would have done just that. However, it was not as easy as he thought.

Telling King Feu'er not to continue the mission of mastering the God Realm was a mistake. And Zarius would be punished for being a traitor if he did that. So, all Zarius could do all this time was just keep quiet.