Mourning Day

"Brother Gil! Hang in there! I've already sent a telepathy to father. Hope he comes here quickly to help you!" Vin spoke softly.

"Aakkhh ... no need, Vin. You guys take it easy, Brother! I did want an ending like this."

"What do you mean, Gil? Don't tell me you planned your death?!" King Glen interrupted his sister's words.

"So-sorry! I don't want to hurt you any more," said Gil stammering because of the pain.

Vin kissed his brother's hand.

"I'm sorry, Brother Gil. I wrongly accused you. I even thought that you were the Evil God earlier. I am so stupid, Brother Gil. I'm so insensitive, that I don't understand what you just said just to provoke me. Forgive stupid little brother, Brother Gil!"

Vin said, full of regret.

Vin didn't expect Gil to say that cruelly because Gil wanted to die at Vin's hands. Because Gil was so desperate because he couldn't control himself. Even though it was Gil's wish, of course Vin couldn't possibly kill his dearest brother.