Heavenly Palace

-Gefroren City-

The whole city mourns the death of Gilbert Greyrat. All the people were present in the mourning room with tulips in their hands, Gil Greyrat's favorite flower. They put the flowers around Gil Greyrat's coffin

Vincent Greyrat sat limply beside his brother's coffin. Vin really felt guilty. He still blames herself for Gil's death. If only Vin realized it from the start, surely Vin could save his brother. Vin felt sorry.

On the other hand, King Glen Greyrat was trying to calm Queen Eliz, who was still crying hysterically since the three of them had returned from Sakura Hill carrying Gil Greyrat's corpse.

King Glen hugged his mother. He as Greyrat's eldest son must be a strength for Vin and his mother. All the Gods of the Illusory Mountain were also present.

However, there was no leader of the 3 Realms in this mourning room. Well, even though it was yesterday Gil Greyrat, but Lord Jack wasn't here.

Ask why?