Journey for Redemption pt. 9

Me and the bear girl exit the cave and were travelling throught the forest towards my camp and along the way I would catch the small rodents and critters that I came across, It wasn't anything significant but it was better than nothing and hopefully it would help until something big came along. 

"By the way, What's your name? I should have asked that when we first started talking or atleast given you my name but like I said back there I was a bit taken aback by the sudden change in voice and then appearance."

"Oh, yea I get that.... My name's Lula, what's yours?" 

"Vexsus, I would say my last name is Pride but I've never used it. I've just gone by Vexsus."

"Oh, a Last name? and of one of the gods aswell? You must be a part of one of the seven Guardian races meant to protect the world from the Shadow Eaters."