Journey for Redemption pt. 10

"Gluttony? As in the one that Branded me? The Sin Gluttony?" I asked the same question multiple times but I couldn't help it, what Lula just said was like a small bomb that that imploded my head. This means that she was one of the Guardian races like me, Was this a coincidence? Or am I getting lead along on a string by someone?

"Vexsus, I didn't want to say anything because my family is long gone. They died a long time ago and I alone am the last remaining one. I still have the Brand but I don't offer anything to her. I just eat whoever disturb me then I go back to sleep. You told me you were a part of the Pride Guardians but you were branded by Gluttony and it confused me. When my family was still alive and active every member would get branded upon birth and from there would live their life and offer to the god."