Lost Angel

Footsteps marched towards me and I scrambled to get up. For some reason, my whole body was numb and I could barely feel my feet as I tried to run away. The metal balls filled the catch boxes and tiny silver spheres spilled on the floor.

The blind seer had suddenly vanished and left me behind. What a jerk, really.

"Stop that woman! Guards! Hey you stop!" the staff yelled.

Scary men in black suits charged from every direction and fear crept in me just like the night I was taken away from my home to be imprisoned by false accusations. One man was able to grab me by the arm tightly.

"Ahh!!!" I cried out in pain and tears pooled at the corners of my eyes yet they didn't fall down entirely.

"Stop struggling or else you will definitely get hurt!" he said as he and his hands snaked around my waist. My whole body turned rigid cold as I remembered the way men handled me the night Mr. Bernards got me dragged across town.

Out of the blue, I felt something electric pulsed through my veins.

It started off as a tiny prickly sensation that gradually increased in intensity. It felt weird and my head began to hurt like something pounded into my skull and demanded to be let out.

More men in black came to the scene and other curious guests peeked from their plays. The guy that dragged me was bulky and emitted a scary aura. He wasn't in this job to play silly games.

"Let me go! Let me goooo!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs.

Nothing I did made a difference as the huge gap in strength was evident by how easily he managed to lift me with just one arm.

I reached out to grab his necktie with both my hands and pulled as hard as I could. At the same time, I kicked and flailed in an attempt to escape from his grip. "Let — me — go!"

As I pulled one last time, the electric pulses I felt crawled all over my body and escaped towards the man. Flashes of blue and white light appeared to cover us and the guy loosened his grip as his strength vanished with the intense shock.

"What the fu—! Call paramedics!" someone instructed.

The men that accompanied us rushed to help him as we stumbled down the cold floor of the lobby head first. I screamed for help as the big man crushed my small body. His weight bared down on me like a boulder to a tiny leaf.

As three other men tried to remove the limp body above me, they winced as electric shocks traveled into their hands even with the tiniest touch. I pulled myself away from the unconscious man and my eyes darted from one scared face to another.

"Men, the lady is armed! It looks like she used a tazer that made Barnes unconscious." One tall guy told the others.

"But sir, she doesn't have anything in her hands!"

"She's got to have one! How could she electrocute Barnes with her bare hands, you idiot!?"

I shot my hands in front of me and they clambered in fear as flashes of electricity escaped the tips of my slender fingers.

"Don't come near me." I threatened them as I crawled further. My head spun around and I directed my hands at anyone who dared to move closer.

One guy pointed a gun at me and I screamed to protect myself.

I didn't know if it was consciously done, but somehow, the electric pulses intensified inside my body. Just as I screamed and covered my head, waves of blue and white flashes crackled and hit everything and everyone within its vicinity.

People dropped unconscious and machines dinged and popped prized coins and balls non-stop. The other guests who were farther away saw the opportunity and grabbed whatever they could.

It was utter chaos.

None of the men in black were left standing and I slowly stood to see the stampede of easy-money hungry players of the casino.

I stepped outside of the building in a hurry, and flashes of neon street signs greeted me. The sky was now a blanket of dark midnight blue, the stars twinkled lazily in contrast to the mayhem I just got out of.

Car horns blared and I stiffened as I realized I had crossed the road without looking. Beams of white car lights blinded my vision and I panicked to get out of the road.

"Hey watch out bitch!" one guy shouted at me angrily as I stumbled on the pavement in my haste to escape.

I ran and ran as fast as my frail legs could bring me.

The car horns, establishment music, and chatter of people on their phones created a cacophony of urban noise. I couldn't think straight and I pushed people away as I made my way to nowhere in particular.

The electricity I released drained me much of my energy and I eventually collapsed into a corner. There were lesser people here and the alley was a bit darker with a broken light bulb that blinked as if dying.

My brain screamed at me that this place was dangerous, that this wasn't the right place to rest. But my body didn't respond anymore. I struggled to catch my breath and my tears fell down in utter confusion.

What am I doing?

A loud bang of something metallic echoed into the dark alley and I squinted to see what created such noise. Something screeched and hissed and I saw a skinny cat chase down a mouse.

My heart threatened to burst at the thought that maybe it was someone that would hurt me. I puffed a sigh of relief as I clutched my chest.

Just as I thought that was all, I heard something rustle and I whipped my head to see a scruffy man walk towards me with an unsteady pace. His eyes were bloodshot and he gave me a smile that sent chills up and down my spine.

Danger signs flashed in front of my eyes and my brain screamed for me to run away.

"You look like your lost little angel. Would you like to accompany this lonely guy throughout the rest of the night in wonderful bliss?"

I knew the tone of a guy that was drunk. And this one dawdled with his tongue in a way that screamed danger all over.

I backed away slowly and he saw my apprehension and quickly grabbed me by the hair.


A/N: Next chapter contains triggering events.. I tried to tone down the narrative and descriptions but please proceed with caution as some may find the scenes traumatizing..