Bad Bois United ***

The past few days, memories of my 'present life' slowly integrated with me and I found it easier to identify things that used to be foreign by my 1600s standards.

This scene I am in now was like some movie Becky and I watched way back then. An enemy would snatch away women and somehow a good guy shows up to save the day as expected.

However, this is not the movie we saw. This was reality of the world and it is not always that there was someone to save the damsel in distress.

"Ahh!!" I screamed as the pain of my brunette hair strands felt like a burst of millions of bites on my scalp.

"Don't even try to run away from me, baby!" he bellowed into my face and I could smell the repulsive scent of alcohol in his breath. It was so foul that if I could, I would have puked by now.

I could feel sinister looks as he scanned me and I wished I had the strength - or that electric magic - left to escape from this assailant. I was weak and I tried to scream for help, but his hand covered my mouth and it muffled my pleas for mercy.

"Now, now, I can't have you screaming, my beautiful prey."

If there was something I hated about this new world more than William's reincarnation, it was people as scum as this one. As he dragged me slowly, I bit the side of my cheeks in utter frustration.

I wanted to kick and to punch, but my strength was nowhere to be found. The noise of the urban jungle continued to silence my whimpers as if nothing was wrong.

He crouched and kissed my neck and sniffed, then murmured into my ear, "Mmmm… the things I could do with such a beauty like you."

The number of times I shuddered in fear in one day couldn't be as much as today.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar car horn blast from the streets. The sound of metal doors slammed open and I could hear the loud, fast paces of a person coming towards us. Or was it two?

My assailant's unsolicited advances and evil smiles on me abruptly stopped when something hit him in the head. I heard a loud thunk and he screamed in pain as something smashed on him repeatedly.

He released his grip on my short hair as he tried to defend himself from being beaten to a pulp. Strong and big hands reached for me and I screamed thinking it could be another drunk guy.

"Lizzie, it's us! Your safe now." I heard the familiar baritones of Levi's voice.

My eyes quickly darted from the cold cement to the redhead and I couldn't help myself from bawling my eyes out. His arms reached out to my back and another under my legs as he carried me away bride-style.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could smell a sweet scent which was a bit peculiar for a man to have but nonetheless suited him just fine. Levi carried me towards the truck and I could still hear the pained screams of my assailant.

I peeked through Levi's broad shoulders and I could see Bash and — was that Zeke? They ganged up on the pervert like he was something of a rag doll. Zeke threw in a punch and stopped as the man stumbled forward face first.

Bash though, even after the pervert was practically down and unconscious from Zeke's punch, had continued to kick and smash on his body like he wasn't a bit contented.

His eyes were a bit crazy and wild.

Zeke tried to stop him but he continued to kick and actually grabbed a garbage can and dumped it on the pervert. His face was red and I can't seem to fathom where the rage was all coming from.

In the first place, were Bash and Zeke in good terms now? Our noon started off a bit of a scandal with their fist fights over something as banal as an insult out of frustration.

These boys are a bit difficult to understand. Were they good to rescue me or were they bad to continuously injure a defenseless man?

Then again, he somewhat deserved those attacks too.

"Levi how did you-" I asked him but immediately got silenced as he quite forcefully put me inside the front seat and quickly turned back towards the dark alley, the door slammed shut.

The big guy that he was suddenly sprinted and stopped just inches from where my assailant lain bloody and bruised. Levi picked him up by the scruff and just stared at him coldly.

The three band boys united against one man because of one woman.

Levi pushed and shook the guy to consciousness onto the brick walls and the guy stirred. He tried to open his eyes but they were so inflamed with Zeke and Bash's punches he couldn't even blink once.

Bash punched the wall just an inch away from the guy's head and he cowered with fear. I couldn't hear what they had talked about but the pervert actually wet his pants, the yellow liquid trickled down to his shoes.

After that, Levi threw the guy aside and he scrambled and literally crawled into the dark like the vermin that he was to the society.

My breath caught up with me as the three of them slowly went back to the truck. I expected Levi to come up to the front but instead, Bash was the one who jumped in gracefully. He slammed shut the door and revved the engine into a start.

Zeke and Levi got into the back and when Bash saw they were ready, he backed up the car and drove into the night life of Los Angeles.

"Where are the others?" I asked feebly.

Bash didn't even bat an eye at my question and he swerved to the left where fewer cars drove. The scenery was familiar and I could see the neon lights that flashed 'La Casino de Angeles' a few meters away.

For the remainder of ten minutes or so, he had been dead silent and there was no effort whatsoever to make conversations at all.

We turned into another corner and there sat the girls all huddled in a public bench. Ali was the one to notice the truck and her eyes widened to have seen me at the front seated.

She must have been so distressed to have lost me in LA with the way her face lit up with relief.