Red String of Fate

"Oh, dang. I wanted to be with Lizzie."

Bash held on to his red tipped string like a prized heirloom. He smiled triumphantly at Nico and said, "This was your idea in the first place Nico. Deal with it."

"That's unfair Bash, can't we exchange strings?" Nico pleaded. "It's so lonely, I'm the only one who got the yellow string."

Becky and the others could only laugh at Nico as his little idea of fun backfired on him. They waved us goodbye as Becky gushed over the things she wanted to see.

Something about arts and how the stages were arranged. Where the other artists were stationed and the tents for other music events too.

"Maybe there could be celebrities doing some last-minute rehearsals. We can't miss that one out since we are already here!" Suzy giggled excitedly.

"That would mean the biggest stage then. We should probably check it out first. It's pretty hard to miss anyway so might as well make a beeline for it." Ali replied.

"The tent we are to perform should be checked as well." Zeke suggested.

The girls and Zeke's chatter droned off as they moved further away from us. Becky had her arm around his waist and Zeke possessively held her closer to him as they walked away.

On the other hand, Nico was still pouting like a child while I was still in shock as to how Bash and my string had been connected.

Things are getting curiouser and curiouser as time passes by.

It seems like my attempts to keep away from Bash doesn't exactly work out as I want it to. There is always something that somehow pulls us together.

Maybe I could look it up with magic.

I should be able to pull through something like what happened last night in my dreams if I put my mind into it just as what Juno said.

Suddenly, I remembered something my current reincarnation had read about. Elizabeth Jennings of the 21st century had been pretty well into novels and lores of mystery that she surprisingly knows a lot.

A red string of fate.

It was a magical cord that may stretch or tangle, but never break. The myth was widely popular in Eastern cultures and is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner.

It was known to be something that ties a person to their destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances.

The thought made me think that perhaps William and me are intertwined so much even in this new life we were still bound to be pushed on to each other by destiny.

However, I vowed that I won't be following that path ever again. If fate had brought us together then it would only mean that fate had broken us apart in Shalem as well.

I won't go down the same way I had my heart broken. In this lifetime, I would make sure that it wasn't me who would hurt.

This time around, William and his reincarnation would.

"Lizzie, are you listening?"

I rapidly blinked my eyes as I heard Nico's voice calling me out. His face was extremely close to mine and he had this puppy eyes going on, acting cute even with his tall and lean built.

"What are you doing, Nico? You look like a puppy asking to be taken out for a walk." I joked and pushed him away, a bit uncomfortable with his face's proximity.

Sorry Nico, I like you. But not that much.

Bash snickered beside me while Nico could only sigh in defeat. I don't know what he had asked me about but it seems like he wasn't going to push for it anymore.

"Alright, I will just have to go and explore life on my own then." He sniffled and then went to the opposite direction the girls and Zeke had gone off to.

"Wait-", I tried to call him out as I realized it was just Bash and me left alone now. "What was that all about?"

"Just let Nico be, its his idea in the first place. Anyways, he'll be fine on his own and I'm not actually sure it would be the same for you." He said.

"Excuse me? You think I'm some damsel in distress now who can't handle herself?" I asked, extremely annoyed by the fact he pointed it out so blatantly.

"Umm… Los Angeles ring any bell for you?" he retorted.

Where was the gentleness that he had?

Suddenly I realized it was probably my fault he became like this ever since I played with him on the family restaurant after William's apparition.

I needed to do something new to get things done my way.

I reevaluated our situation and tried to think how I could use it to my advantage. Bash was actually pretty happy he ended up with me, which gives me some kind of leverage if I want to get my little revenge on him.

They do say that what comes around goes around. So, for William to have hurt me before, it should be fitting to have him hurt too.

I shrugged at him nonchalantly and walked away as if trying to shake him off my trail. Would he follow? Would he turn the other way?

I was a bit curious.

I was walking down the path leading to a clearing as I wanted to see the hustle of the people from afar. Also, the fact that the ferris wheel was being set up far from where the camper van was so I just trudged along slowly as the big wheel loomed closer and closer.

It was fascinating how such a huge structure could oscillate without toppling, and to know that men ride the little baskets that are hung around its rim is surely such a wonder.

Why do people find it fun to trust themselves into something so dangerous and yet still find the time to enjoy the ride?

A cold gust of wind suddenly blew despite the heat of the afternoon and I shivered as I rubbed my bare shoulders. Curse this wretched cloth I am wearing!

Suddenly, someone covered me with something and I turned around to see Bash was actually matching my pace and he had just thrown me his jacket.

I was kind of wondering why he had worn something like it despite the weather but soon realized the long sleeves actually was more comfortable since it protects my skin from the sun.

I sheepishly nodded a sort of 'thank you' to him and continued on to walk as if I didn't give a damn. I didn't exactly ask it from him so why bother.

It wasn't until we were able to reach the foot of the ferris wheel that he started to talk to me and what he said had actually taken me aback.

"You never did tell me who that William is." He mused.

I never really thought he'd ask again, but he actually did.

For goodness's sake when will he ever let it go?