A Love That Went Up Into Flames

Sebastian Mikhaelis Davis, age of eighteen, a high school senior from Massachusetts High who rose to fame on social media as the lead guitarist and composer of an indie band named "Lovely Tainted Roses".

Women find him irresistible with tall and well-tone physique, his dark raven hair, and charming purple eyes. He was a chatterbox that was way happier than he should be, except when die-hard fangirls come up to him and demand his attention.

When we first met in this new life I am living, he wanted to be friends even when I had caused them so much trouble by emptying my stomach at the back of his truck.

Well, at least he wanted to be friends before I messed him up saying I wanted to kill him. Right now, he just retaliates by being petty and rude when I make mistakes (some of it not even intentional).

He was indifferent but there would be moments a sliver of warmth would escape from him.

It was really confusing.

I had thought Bash already let William out of his mind, but here he was, asking yet again to know who Will was for me. Is it probably because this reincarnation somehow feels the connection he had with Will and I?

"Why do you ask of it again, Bash?" I responded in a faked unconcerned manner.

Bash looked me straight in the eyes - his dashing purples met with my browns and for a moment I thought I saw something that flickered. Something in his stare had somewhat… changed.

What was that about?

He quickly looked away and put his right hand inside his jean's pocket while he ruffled his shiny raven hair. Perhaps he was a bit unsure as well why he was asking about William all of a sudden?

I couldn't help but notice the mannerisms that he does that was oh so similar to Will's.

When he was frustrated, didn't understand, or unsure of what he was supposed to do, he would scrunch his nose and his thick brows would connect to form a dark bridge in between his forehead.

The side of his mouth would twist, always to the right side at that, and a dimple would dig a hole and make itself comfortable there.

"Well, Lizzie, for starters before you threw up at the back of my truck, you actually spat at me calling me William and saying I broke your heart." He said, a bit sheepish and embarrassed.

Why was he fidgeting like he was the one who did something wrong?

Oh of course, he probably felt the guilt his past self had done to me. How he had chosen to do nothing when his father and would-be fiancée did their best to make me suffer before the prosecutor sentenced me to burn.

"What did William do to you to break your heart and for you to hate me because of him?" he asked, his eyes a tad bit more serious.

Like he really needed to know the exact reason before he could finally move on.

I could only stand still - petrified - unsure of how I was going to answer his questions.

Do I need to answer them?

Perhaps I should just let it slide and rub his questions off as nothing but a silly episode of me being delirious due to the heat, just as I had answered him before when I first rode shotgun with him.

Then again, if I do that, wouldn't that make me seem weak? I vowed revenge on this man and now that I had the chance to do so, why was I second guessing my moves?

I couldn't step back from this now.

"You really want to know?" I said, lowering my head but keeping a steady eye contact to make him think I was finally opening up, letting him see my vulnerable side.

Many, if not most men, prefer women like that.

They want us to be dependent to their so-called strength for we were fragile beings that needed protection.

Toxic masculinity at its best.

I waited for Bash to reply and I pretended to fidget with my fingers as if telling him through my body language that if he wanted to, I can tell him what he wants if he just asks.

"Yeah, tell me Lizzie. I am curious for the reason you act like this when I am near you." He said as he moved closer.

My hand instinctively raised to stop him from getting any closer to me than he was right now. However, I realized that it could actually be better to let him nearer and initiate some sense of intimacy.

They do say that the closer your relationship with someone is, the more pain they could inflict on you.

I would know.

William did that to me when all I did was to love him.

I pulled my hand away and then he continued to come closer until we were side by side, only a few inches apart, his arms almost touching mine.

We remained to gaze as the construction of the ferris wheel carried on, not minding our minute presence from a safe distance away.

The afternoon breeze whistled in the air and the fringes of my hair flew over my face. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out before I began recounting the hurt that Will gave me.

Let's see how the reincarnated William Bernards would perceive the things he had done wrong in his past life.

"Once upon a time, this Elizabeth had her first love." I began as I swept stray hair away from my face. "But love wasn't enough to keep the relationship afloat. It sunk down to the abyss as my lover left me when I needed him the most."

I gave Bash a quick side glance and from the corner of my eyes, I could see that his face was a bit grim by the pieces of information I had given him.

"His father and the rest of his family didn't approve of us. The people around us thought I tricked him."

The details weren't much, but I had told him the reason I truly detest William for what he did – for what he didn't do.

"William Bernards left me to fight for our love, and as I had tried to do so, it killed me slowly."

I had paused for a while and decided to finish my little tale of betrayal.

"Fighting alone had left me like this - a burned soul. All the love I had for him easily went up in flames."


A/N: Song Recommendation ---> Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille