It's Not Goodbye

The girls were silent as the boys went on with their packing. Becky looked like she was about to burst out crying, but she was surprisingly able to hold her tears back from falling. Suzy had on an indifferent face, while Ali on the other hand was actually helping her cousin pack his things.

"Why didn't anybody wake me up?" I asked.

Becky rubbed her eyes and nose, and then replied, "We tried Lizzie, but you just didn't budge."

"Becky and Ali had packed your things for you," Suzy added as she pointed to the other side of my bed.

True enough, my bags were all set too. I reached over to my backpack and noted my essentials were in it as well. My eyes turned to Ali and she nodded at me as if to say 'No problem.'

My sister sat straight, and all her bags were ready too. I reached out to her and squeezed Becky's knee, "Thanks," I mumbled, "you didn't have to do my stuffs. I could have done it myself."