Kitchen Conversations

Ali was quiet yet again, and I leaned over to listen to her inhale and exhale. Was I imagining things, or did I hear her sniffle as if she was crying and trying to hide it?

"Ali…" I called out to her, "are you crying?"

She didn't reply, and I couldn't help but to get down my bed and then climb up to sit beside Ali. It seems like I was right after all – she was crying in her pillow.

"Hey," I said as I swung my arm to give her a reassuring hug, "cry it out if you want. I'll be here if you want to talk about it."

Just as Ali stayed and listened to me, I sat beside her and waited for her to open up. She has done that much for me, and I am more than willing to repay the kindness she gave.

Becky tossed left and right, and there were chirps from crickets outside. Aside from those, Suzy's light snores and Ali's sniffles were the only sound that echoed in the dead of the night.