Cool Off

Bash's words kept playing on repeat inside my head. They were going on an endless loop, and I tossed and turned in bed as I tried to shun them away. Why does his words bother me so much?

"Lizzie," I heard someone call out to me.

I turned my head and noted Ali was wide awake. It has been three days since we arrived at their place, and the girls were all cooped up in their guestroom.

Ali could have just chosen to stay in her room, but she insisted on accompanying us, and this is how we have ended up now. Two Double deck beds inside a guestroom, Becky and Suzy below while Ali and I were above.

"Can't sleep too?" she asked.

It was quite dim in the room, and the only light that permeated was the moon's shine from the window with blinds. Ali lay on her stomach, and her head was propped on her palms as she tilted her head. She was obviously waiting for me to reply and I nodded meekly.