Revelations (2)

A/N: This chapter is still in William's POV. To clarify things, the previous chapter, this one, ans next two chaps are the scenes that the Book of Truth revealed to Lizzie (William's memoire) when the blind seer helped her.


Katarina didn't like my idea, but she seemed to be eager to please me so in the end, she had acquiesced to my request. As the double doors of the mansion opened, a young servant handed over a basket to Katarina which was filled with sweets, bread, and cheese.

"Something to eat on the way," she said as she smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with glee.

The lady was indeed beautiful as they say. But I never did see her more than just the family business partner's daughter. She was rumored to be sought after by many men, but I didn't have the slightest of an attraction to her no matter how much I mulled it over.