The Sacrifice

A/N: This chapter is still in William's POV. Please leave me your thoughts on this one :)


Laughter echoed like tiny jingling bells. The girl only cocked her head, as if she was amused by the words I spoke. A smile spread across her tiny face, and somehow, I thought I saw tiny white flowers blossom from her hair.

Was that even possible or had those flowers been there the whole time?

I felt a cough start to rise from the pit of my stomach, and out came blood gushing from my mouth as I wheezed. With each backbreaking cough came a wave of pain all around my body. My vision started to blur as seconds passed me by ever so slowly.

Wait, was I crying? Were those warm tears that pooled in my eyes and dripped down my cheeks as I lay sprawled at the damp forest floor?

"You aren't in such a good shape now, are you?"