The Man We Are Searching

Bash was being weird. The tone of his voice seemed to be hiding something, and I wasn't going to sit back and relax after hearing it. I pushed for him to explain to me further, and after a very long pause, he finally sighed and whispered so low I almost couldn't hear it.

"Catherine is trying to do something," he warned, "Nico will try to do something about security. But for the meantime, you girls best be on the lookout."

I was about to ask what that bitch was trying to do when suddenly I heard the all too familiar voice of Missy Cath call out, "Sebby! Come and let's have a meeting regarding your show tonight. Papa has prepared some scripts."

"Yeah! No problem, be there in a sec," Bash yelled back, and then hurriedly returned to me, "Lizzie, remember what I told you. Just be careful always. The boys and I will find a way to meet up with you girls."

"But Bash-"

"Be safe, Lizzie," he whispered again in a rush, "Know that I think of you always."