Money Whore

"You guys don't have to wait for me," Ali said as she stepped out of the car, "I can just take a taxi to Coachella Valley after speaking with this dude."

Becky and Suzy were quick to agree, but I, on the other hand, was not that much excited with the plan she proposed to us. I was really scared for Ali because of what Bash told me from our call earlier.

If Missy Cath would really do something ugly to us, then it was much better to wait outside the hotel for Ali to finish up. Rather than going straight for Coachella Valley without her, I insisted we waited outside in the shade and we would go to the festival together.

"We will wait for you," I told Ali as she was about to open the car's door. "We'll find some shady place and when your done, give us a text or call, and we will be back to pick you up at the entrance."