Chapter Four

Diamond's POV

I wake up to a bright morning,

Someone had raised the curtain, I felt the bed for Nadia, but she is not there, I panicked and shot off the bed, then a note fell to the floor, I opened it and what was there made me smile

Good morning, hope you had a great day, am sure you had woke up with fright because Nadia is not there with you, but no worries she woke up very early and wandered around till I saw her in the kitchen, she was trying to get milk from the fridge, she told me she always drink milk when she wake up, I help her with it, she wanted to wake you but I prevented her, and took her along with me, because you slept late and you look really worn out, and you look really adorable when you sleep, so left you to sleep, so don't panic, she is fine.


I thought about how yesterday went with a smirk on my face.

The rush of relief flooded me, were like I am on drugs and high, just when I thought this would turn out to be my nightmare, rather it became the greatest gift life has given me. The opportunity to stop living a life on the run, to offer the best life for my daughter, to give myself the life I deserve, to face my fears, to have my revenge.

And this opportunity I will hold onto as long as I can.

After sealing the deal, Leia was quick to chat with me, from the chat I discovered she is an hacker, the characters of the team players each, Mace, is very cheerful, loves to tease people, loves to flirt also and easy to talk to unlike Roza, who hardly say a word, I guess she went through something bad looking at the scars, when I ask Leia about it she completely shut down and told me it not her story to tell, and I completely understand, I won't want someone I trust tell other people my secrets without my permission, not that I will ever give someone my permission to tell my secrets I have shouldered for so many years.

I also learnt Leia loyalties lies with her team, Jace, I discovered is the baby boy of the team, while Leia is the baby girl, Jace is quiet among strangers but he is very free and charming among those he trust but has trust issues.

And lastly Cayden, I blush as I thought of him, when it sinks in that he is not a threat to me, I felt this huge attraction to him, which really worries me, I have not been physically attracted to anybody since I had Nadia but it seems Cayden was able to unlock my desires, not that I am surprised, okay am a little surprised but he is extremely hot, am sure he has thousands of girls willing to bed him but I know I can't pursue my desires, I can't be one of those girls, it not like I would want sleep with him, right now I am still the enemy's daughter, am not sure they completely trust me, besides I don't fully trust them, even though he said I look adorable, I thought with a blush, but are trying to get me to trust them. Leia told me, he is an easy going boss, but he is disciplined and very strict with rules.

Today we are supposed to go over the plan, I should really get up from bed instead of lying here day dreaming about an attraction that am sure would lead to nothing. God I sound desperate for a sexual life, and this is not so me, I want the old me.

I shower and I discovered my emergency bag was placed on the bed will I was in the bathroom, I dressed in black jeans, black crop top and a black leather jacket, am in all black because I packed it in case I would have to run and hide.

As I was dressing the woman who told Cayden I was awake last night came.

"You are dressed that's good, breakfast is ready, am Marie by the way, Little warrior's housekeeper, l have already bathed Nadia, oh you did a very lovely job raising that Angel on your own she is very well behave, she is also at the dinning waiting for you, well everyone is waiting my dear, oh am rambling, you look what that word again hot"

" Hmm thanks" I said awkwardly, her cheerfulness was overwhelming considering the formal way she talked to me yesterday and did she just call Cayden, little warrior, it seems he tells her things I guess her approach is with me changed as quick as my status of their enemy changed last night.

I followed her to the dinning and the team were all there as Marie said including My Nadia.

"Momma!" Nadia shout and ran to hug me, with a huge grin on my face I opened my arms wide as Nadia jumped into it and I caught her.

"Oh my baby, my sweet heart, how are you?" I say while kissing all over Nadia face.

" Am fine mommy, you didn't tell me about your friends before, they are very nice, Uncle Mace is really funny, he make me laugh and he knows about Disney princesses, he said I look like a princess and I told him I know because my momma told me and she is always right. Uncle Cayden promise to take me to Disneyland later momma is that okay with you, please" she pout and had that adorable eyes looking at me'

"No, sweetie, it may not be possible because am not sure Uncle Cayden has the time for that am sure you bullied him into agreeing with you."

"Actually she didn't and yes I have the time."

" So momma can we go?"

"Why not sweetie as long as am invited."

"Of course you are invited momma, right uncle Cayden?"

Nadia said with lovely doe eyes.

"Who can say no to you? Yes your momma is invited"

"Yeeee, am going to Disney land."

I faced Cayden and whispered thank you to him, as I hugged Nadia to my chest, his nod were the only indication that he heard me.

I love making my angel happy.

After breakfast, Marie took Nadia with while doing the chores, while we went to the office. I wanted to help but we got to go plan how this is going to go.

"How am I supposed to help gain evidence against my father?"

I asked once we were settled down.

"You will go visit him" Roza said bluntly.

"What?" I shouted while jumping out of my seat.