Chapter Three

Diamond POV

I feel stiff, I try to stretch my hands but I can't move it, it seems tied, what tied, why are my hands tied…..

Oh my God! I stiffen as everything comes back to me, my boss attempted assault, the cops at my door, my not so good escape, threatening the cops with a gun.


What have I done, I just went from keeping my identity in check then to been the most wanted person on earth, yes I know am exaggerating but I resisted arrest, threaten an officer in duty.


And the worst is that my father has found me, Nadia oh my Nadia he is going to take her away from me or worse kill her.

I thought as tears stream down my face.

But I wouldn't accept my face like I always do, am not Norabel anymore the girl who let her parents control life, I even ask permission from them to breathe, am not that submissive girl anymore, she died that night, every thing I had ever known died that night and she will never be resurrected.

I am now Diamond Kane and no will ever ever walk on me anymore. I vow.

I tried to free myself from the bind, key word tried, I decided to wait till someone come get me.

I pretend that I am not scared of seeing my father or my mother, I also feel rage at what they subjected me to, no parents should that to their daughter, I also feel sad that I mean nothing to my parents.

Just as I was dreading meeting my parents again after six years. The door opened and my tough girl façade broke and l cold sweat broke from me and tears was already blurring my sight. Diamond this is it.

A woman that I have never seen before peed without opening the door completely, she looks friendly, innocent just like my mother, but I knew how looks can be deceiving, I learnt the hard way.

"You already awake Miss Moore, I will go get the boss" She said smiling but didn't wait for a reply before she close the door.

I started thinking of different way this is going to play out, am going lie of course am not going to tell them what I know.

After few minutes, the guy from earlier walks in, and unbinds me and then tell me to follow him. I did so, while taking note of the surroundings, I have never been here before, it not one of the homes my father own or I know of.

We entered an office but what I saw inside is not what I was expecting, I was kind of relief that it not my parent.

Four people occupies the room, one of them is the guy who was driving the car that 'saved me from the police', that made my situation feels more like from frying pan to fire.

But my attention was on the lady with hideous face, she has scars on the left side of her face, oh my God who are this people, who would do such thing to a lady, the relief I felt before flew out the window, this people could be worse than parents.

"Where is my daughter?" I snapped

They stare at each other before one of the men whose hair is curly which makes him look like an adorable kid answered.

"Your daughter is sleeping Miss Moore, do you want to see her?"

The name he called me made my tough façade almost break, but I held it together.

"Did you also drug her!" I shouted.

"No, actually she fell asleep. The driver said trying not to laugh, I don't know what's funny.

"Come with me, so you can see for yourself that she is well and unharmed" am so happy that I get to see my sweetie, I followed curly out of the office to a room and I saw my princess sleeping on a queen size bed, she look so peaceful, I didn't want to wake her so I tip toed to her and kiss her forehead and followed curly back to the office. Let get it over with.

I was asked to sit, which I did.

"Miss Moore, six years ago you were declared dead but you are here today, I want to know why" Handsome, the man who injected me and came to get me said.

Okay that's straight to the point. I cleared my throat, eased my breathing and locked down my emotions like I had practice throughout my life.

"And who wants to know?"

I said coldly.

Cayden's POV

I was extremely shocked at the way Norabel was able to locked down her emotions. And it is obvious am not the only one shocked even Roza looks shocked but she recovers very quickly.

This only confirms my suspicions, she is some how working for her dad, so we must tread very carefully.

"The name is Cayden Gordon" I said answering her previous questions.

"And am l suppose to know you?"

She replies sharply, with an eyebrow raised.

"Miss Moore, we were sent by your father to retrieve you and your daughter Nadia"

Her walls crumble slightly immediately and I saw a flash of real fear.

This made me confused, is she afraid of her father or she is afraid her father want her to come back, okay this is becoming a mystery that we must uncover if we want to complete our mission.

"How does he, I mean my father knows am alive?"

So her father don't know she is alive, that means she ran away, faked her death to get away from him, so that answers my questions, she is afraid of her father, now I want to know why and can it be used to our advantage?

"Leia here was the one who found you, but before then we didn't know you were alive, we were looking into your death and we found out you staged your death and we followed your movement throughout the six years you were gone, and we found you."

Then the wall fell apart and she wasn't able to put it up. Tears stream down her face.

"Why? I want to know why he was looking into my death, six years I have been dead, why can't he just leave me be, am happy with my life now"

She pause and then wipe the tears off her face.

" If he think for a second I would go back to that house and pretend nothing is wrong and pretend that he did not ruin my life, if he think he can take my daughter away from me then he is wrong, Norabel Moore, the girl who does everything he says fell off the bridge, am not that girl anymore, believe me I will fight till my last breathe"

I have never been more happier, She hate her father which means we can use her our advantage, her father must have treated her badly that she had to leave… wait everything she saying adds up now. I pray am right.

"He wanted you to get rid of the baby, that why you ran, you got pregnant out of wedlock, which would ruin your families name, if you had the baby. " I said with an hint of uncertainty.

She laughed she actually be laughed.

"Of course he would not tell you what he did, wouldn't want to ruin his name."

" Why do you despise your father so much?"

"Why do you care? You work for him anyway."

"We don't work for him"

" What? Wait I don't understand"

She said cautiously siting upright

So I decided to tell her the truth, I glanced at my team, to confirm if they are with me.

"We work for a security company, officially we specializes in security systems, bodyguards, hostage rescue you name it but we also how do I put, try to expose corrupt people, government officials, CEOs and the likes, who has done bad to the society than good, we have being trying to bring down your father for a long time now, but we haven't found enough evidence, so we need some who could help us, someone who knows him better."

" You want me to help you take down my father?"

" Yes"

" And what made you think I would help you"

"Your father obviously did something to you that made you hate him, and I think it has to do with your daughter, am sure you will be happy knowing he can't get to her, think about what if it was your father who found you not us, what do you think he is going to do to her? And besides the possibility of your father finding out you are alive is very high because of what happened tonight, if you help me bring down your father and I will help you cover it up. So it is a win-win situation, are you in or out?"

She looks in deep thought as if she is considering what am saying.

"Do you want to have him killed?"

"No we don't result to killing on our missions, unless it is absolutely necessary, we uncover their secrets and have them thrown in jail."

"I want to had something to the deal.."

" Okay go ahead."

" If I help you take down my father, then after the mission you will help me take down someone else."

I was hesitant to answer.

"It depend on who Miss Moore"

"Please, it is Diamond Kane, you can just call me Diamond. He is my father's business partner and I assure you he is very corrupt if not more than my parents"

" Okay, now why Diamond"

" I have my reasons but do you need a reason to take down a corrupt man aside that he is corrupt, and he is very harmful to the society"

"No but, we are not mercenaries who would do your bidding because you say so"

"You have not even ask me who, he is into illegal things like human trafficking, prostitution, drugs and so many other things, I over heard his conversations once"


"Liam Crawford"

What no way, there has been rumors that he is one of the biggest terrorist in the world bank, provide them with money, weapons, but it just rumors.

Liam Crawford has a very clean record, people's role model, so many charity center. His wife and only son died in a car accident ten years ago, leaving him with no heir to his billions, he never remarried. I had my suspicions but no prove not even the slightest we had against Mr. Moore.

"Mr. Crawford is too clean, it may take years before we can take him down"

She closed her eyes and said something shocking that even made Leia talked.

" I don't want years. Okay what if I told you I have concrete evidence that can put him away for the rest of his life"

"Crimes that can put some away for life consist of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, blasphemy, terrorism, severe child abuse, rape, child rape, drug trafficking, human trafficking, treason, high treason. Which one are you putting him away for?" Leia questions softly.

"I tell you when the time comes and I trust you enough to tell you and hand over the evidence to you."

I thought for a moment, we will have the chance to bring down two corrupt people and one of them we won't have to spend time collecting evidence.

"You have a deal Diamond Kane, welcome to S5."