Chapter Two

Cayden's POV

After injecting Norabel Moore or should I say Diamond Kane, I was lost accessing her, noting the difference between Norabel and Diamond, am not sure who is more prettier, where Norabel has a platinum blonde hair, that is touched her backside, Diamond replace it with Brown shoulder length hair.

Where Norabel has grey eyes, Diamond has amber eyes.

Norabel is light skinned, while

Diamond is tanned a little, I think fake tan.

God dammit! Am comparing them as if they are two different people.

Maybe they are.

" Cayden!" Mace snaps.

I face him and glares at him, even though I know his back is to me, but I know is looking through the mirror.

"What?" I snap back.

Then a heard a small voice at the edge of tears.

" What happened to my momma?"

Then I remembered Norabel's daughter, Nadia Kane was also in the car, I must have been so lost staring at Norabel that I did not hear or notice her, am sure that why Mace called me.

I have always been someone who hardly gets distracted and one petite woman who is am suppose to ruin get me distracted, this is not good, am sure am not going to hear the end of this when we get to the safe house.

"Your momma is fine sweetie, she just sleeping"

Her face forms a frown.

"Only my momma calls me sweetie and my momma has not taken the pills yet so why is she sleeping, she can not sleep without it"

My eyes immediately flutters to Norabel, why can she not sleep without taking pills? Is she an addict? never would I imagine her being an addict . I immediately feel disgusted what type of mother exposes her mother to drugs that she knows that she takes them before sleeping.

"Your momma was really tired that is why she slept without pills sweetie" I called her sweetie even after she disclose her dislike for it. She feels like she wants to argue further but decides to drop it.

"Hmmn okay if you say so, who are you?"

"Am your momma's friend sweetie"

"But I have not seen you before"

Damn this girl is smart than I give her credit for. I thought carefully of what

"I know your mother from long ago, tha's w

hy you haven't seen my before."

"Am sure you are one of the bad guys my momma warned me about." She said as she looked at me warily.

"You have gotten it all wrong am a good guy that's why I saved your momma from the bad guys trying to take her away."

"Is that why you injected her? I saw you do it. If you dare hurt my momma you will pay"

"We have gotten to the safe house and I also lose the cops on our tail boss" Mace said thankful distracting Nadia because she glances through the window am sure to know where here is.

After getting both mother and daughter inside not before scanning for tracking device.

It took time to calm Nadia down, if not for my housekeeper Marie who is trying to make her feel safe and offer her warm milk, but she keeps rejecting it. It actually took time to be able to separate Nadia from her mother.

After we were all settled I thought of

Norabel who is on my bed tied up, the thought gives my pleasure I have no business feeling.

I and my team are in my office discussing our next move.

My team consist of Mace, who is our muscle, he is an ex captain of a special team at the army and also my brother.

Jace, the second youngest in our small group of five who is also a sniper, ex marine.

Rosa, an ex Cia agent, left the CIA after her capture by a terrorist, she suffered torture others would go through and break, although she is broken but she doesn't let it show, I am not sure what exactly they did to her but she has a permanent scar on her face that is a reminder of what she went through, she hardly smile since then not that her blame her.

Leia, the baby and princess of our team, the youngest, she is very smart and she is also our hacker, the best in the whole world, not every knows of her existence because of her parents so we are very lucky to have her, she is like the kid sister I never had.

And there is me Cayden, I am ex solider and I was recruited in a special team that specializes in recuse hostage situation. Now am the leader and captain of this small group we form together, called the five. It is has always been my vision.

We have been discussing how to get Norabel to talk, and our next move after then.

"Do you think we would be able to complete this mission, finding her was not an easy task at all" Leia asked worriedly.

" It's not going to be an easy task obviously, but I will complete our mission, like we always do"

Mace reassures her.

There is a knock on the door and everyone goes quiet. Then Marie comes in,

"What is it Marie?"

"Cade, the guest is awake, and also Nadia is already asleep I had to show her mother before she agreed to be tucked in"

" Thank you Marie, that all for tonight, you can go to bed, goodnight."

Marie kiss every one of us good night before leaving the room, Marie has been with us since the team was formed and with I and Mace since we can remember, she was our nanny she act life the group mother hen.

I decided to go bring Norabel to the office to be interrogated, I am really curious to know her and know if she is going to be useful for mission. It would be a pity if she is not

When I got to the room, I met Norabel just as I had left her, tied to the bed. I unbind her and tell her to follow me and she quietly followed me.